Moving Forward and Feeling Blessed

Hello Dear Friends, Thank you All so much for your loving words of comfort over the last few days. I want You All to know that your prayers and hugs and love has been very much appreciated by me and my family. Thank you! Each day gets slightly better... there are triggers...memories of my little Sam that sets me off but a feeling of overwhelming peace comes over me now and I am alright once more. We're having Sam cremated, mainly because we want to move and I want Sam to be where we are. I know he will be in our hearts where ever we go...but, I find comfort in that his ashes will be with us too. Those of you who have had this done for your pet...could you tell me how you feel about it? I have been puttering around in my craft room and have been working on my newest ATC swap. Our theme for April is Steampunk!! Somewhat out of my realm...but I am having a blast putting it together. Last year we went to Dragon Con and there were so many p...