Mom Said..... Would You Care For Some Cake??

Hello Friends, Our neighbor came over last night with some flowers and a wonderful Chocolate cake for Mom's birthday on Sunday!! Look at this Cake!! Well sick or no sick my mother LOVES CHOCOLATE!!! Ever since I can remember she has loved it...and I inherited the chocolate gene as well. I think if my Mom could eat chocolate All the time she would. She once told her church group that she would not go to Heaven if there was no Chocolate there....I told her that God probably has something even better there than chocolate...well that really did not comfort her too much!! Lol Anyway if you were here she said she would "share" some with you. Believe me your very lucky!! Mom is still coughing but not as much and more alert than yesterday! Me...well I'm hangin in there! Thank you for your well wishes and prayers! YOU All ROCK!! Love you All, Susan and Grandma Helen