Hunkering Down for A Long Winters Eve....and some other thoughts

Hello Sweet Friends, Here in Georgia we are bracing ourselves for a pretty severe Snow/Ice storm heading our way sometime this evening. My husband and I have been scurrying around town getting salt crystals to scatter and De-icer for the car. Filled the car up with plenty of gas too. My husband works about an hour away from our home and so is not relishing the drive into work in the morning like many other Atlantan's!! I went over to Jo-Ann's to buy a few odds and ends this afternoon that I needed to complete some craft projects with as well. Of course I had to buy another magazine...this time it was "Romantic Homes". My all time favorite one for many years is "Victoria Bliss" which I have collected for over 14 years now. The picture I posted tonight is the quilt I am finishing up for my sweet little granddaughter Lucia....sigh... I'm totally in love with her. The quilt I am making for her is called a "Vintage b...