Moving Forward and Feeling Blessed

Hello Dear Friends,

Thank you All so much for
your loving words of comfort
over the last few days.
I want You  All to know that your
prayers and hugs and love has
been very much appreciated
by me and my family. Thank you!

Each day gets slightly better...
there are triggers...memories
of my little Sam that sets me off
but a feeling of overwhelming
peace comes over me now and I am
alright once more.

We're having Sam cremated,
mainly because we want to
move and I want Sam to be
where we are. I know he will
be in our hearts where ever
we go...but, I find comfort
in that his ashes will be
with us too. Those of you
who have had this done
for your pet...could you
tell me how you feel about it?

I have been puttering around in
my craft room and have been working
on my newest ATC swap. Our theme
for April is Steampunk!! Somewhat
out of my realm...but I am having a
blast putting it together.
Last year we went to Dragon Con
and there were so many people there
dressed up with Steampunk costumes
on. Some were so beautiful..and others
really strange!! ;)

Well I hope All is Well in your
world and that Spring is springing
for You.

Love You All!!



  1. I'm still feeling badly for you and your loss. I know it still hurts and probably always will. You have Sam cremated and then can keep that part of him with you but you are right, he will always be in your heart. That is where I keep all my passed friends. I also have a pet cemetery here on the property.

    Have fun with your ATC challenge. I have never tried a steampunk thing but I have gathered a few things that will eventually find their way into such an attempt. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

  2. Glad to hear you are feeling better. Hugs Mary

  3. Susan I am so very sorry to hear of your little Sam. You have great memories that will keep you strong. Blessings...

  4. I was sorry to hear about Sam :(
    Sweet thoughts go your way and wish you a wonderful day!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  5. Glad to hear you will always have Sam with you.

  6. Hi Susan! Yes, I DID in fact receive your package, and I wanted to thank you, but I just was so unsure of my timing. I felt your heart and mind must be preoccupied with more important things at the time, that maybe it was better that I wait. Dear Son LOVED what you sent him, and has his collection of beautiful cocoons hanging prominently where he can see them, on the bulletin board above his computer! He loved the snacks too! I LOVE the accordion scrapbook kit as well, and am very excited to plan what ideas I might find for it!.. Thank you so much Susan, and I hope and pray that time is helping to heal your broken heart... I have not yet received word on who my swap partner is for April's ATC swap, have you? I have to admit, I'm VERY intimidated about this one. I've never had a great understanding of "Steampunk", but I will do my best. ((hugs)) and thanks again! ~tina

  7. Oh Susan, So sorry to hear about Sam. Our beloved companions are so much a part ofmour days that we cannot conceive of losing them. My heart goes out to you and know that part of hi will be there every day in love forever. xox Corrine

  8. Susan- I hope each day will find your grief a little less. I do so understand your loss. He was a lucky kitty to have been loved so much. I think the coming of spring will help you too--

  9. Dear Susan:
    So sorry to hear about your little Sam. I've been in your position all too many times. We've had all of our dogs cremated after they passed. (We'll do the same for each other, too. We don't want to "take up real estate" after we're gone.) Kes' dad, Morgan, is still on Handsome's shelf in his office, along with a photograph of the two of them together. I, on the other hand, spread Bannor, Kes, and Kyra's ashes in Wisconsin before we moved to FL. I felt that they should stay where they loved to run, hunt and play. It will bring you a measure of comfort to have Sam's remains with you, even if it's only for a while. Whatever you decide, I'm sure it will be the best for you and your family. I'm so sorry, my friend. I'll pray that your heart heals so that you're left with only the loving, happy memories of your beloved Sam.

  10. I have just discovered your blog, and how sad to lose your treasured pet. My son had his Kip cremated, and i had the urn with me for a while and really did feel that Kip was still with us. Your memories will stay, and having his remains with you will bring you peace.xoxo


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