Lavender Display Pillows for new Fab Cuffs and a Dream Journal............

Dear Friends, Well it's Friday again and wanted to share with you all a couple of my newest fabric cuffs I have been working on. The first one is called the Nest.... I thought it turned out really cute what do you think?? I added a little feather from some earrings my friend gave to me. I wanted to show my cuffs off better for the shop I am selling my little treasures in and thought of the concept of wrapping them around a cute little pillow, this way someone could see what the cuff would look like if it was on their wrist. I added some wonderful lavender with some very soft fibrefill to the pillow. I thought it looked so pretty this way! What do you think??? This is the "Pretty in Pink" Cuff I made with pearls and a single peridot in the middle of the flower. The little "Dream Journal" I made for my son Eddie's fiance' Kristin!! I gave it to her when I went up to N.J. a week ago...she loved it!! Wishing ALL of you a Wonderful Weekend!! God ...