My Beautiful Sam Passed Away This Afternoon......

Hello Dear Friends,
With an extremely heavy heart I tell you that I have lost my little friend tonight.
I thought he was having hairball problems and so my husband and I brought him to the vets
late this afternoon. Upon arrival Sam was gasping for breath and they rushed him into a room and gave him ogygen. The nurse asked us if she could take an x-ray to see what was going on.
When the nurse came back to the room she told us the devastating news, that Sam
had a tumor next to his heart and that his lungs were filled with fluid.
I was just floored....I am still in shock. We had Sam for 4 1/2 years and he was...well how do I explain to you the love that he gave us....he was always there for me....he would lie by my side in bed when I was ill and after two major surgeries....he would eat, have is water, and just stay with me.
I always said he was a gift from God and he truly was.
Tonight this is what I have learned.....even after my Sam has passed away he leaves this last gift ALWAYS CHERISH YOUR LOVED NEVER TAKE THEM FOR GRANTED
Sam never stopped looking at me while we were in the room with him.
The nurse had said well I could give him something so he's comfortable....I asked her
how long does he have....the nurse said two maybe three days....I said no that I did not want
to prolong his suffering just for me.....they gave him two shots and he and I looked at each
other till his little spirit left this world.
Sam is with my granddaughter Halle and my little girl Sarah Amelia in Heaven.
I thank the Lord for the gift of Sam in our lives.....
Sam my dear little friend thankyou for being with me through these past years and all
the comfort and love that you have given to us in abundance everyday.

Thank you dear friends for your prayers

I Love You All...

Susan and Family


  1. Susan - I am so so sorry for this loss of a beloved pet. Only another pet owner would truly know how your heart is broken. I was so afraid for Sam when you spoke earlier about his condition. You have done the only thing that a loving parent to a sweet kitty could do - your Sam was loved beyond his very last breathe. I have been where you are - so many of us have. I truly grieve for this loss - and I will pray that you will find a peace with this empty spot in your heart right now.

    Hugs and so much love~~


  2. awww poor little guy...what a blessing he was. I'm so sorry..;j

  3. Oh my dear friend, what a adorable kitty...........I am glad he is with family. I am sending my love to you. HUGS MARY

  4. My name is Larry. I am Susan's husband and I think it is fitting for me to be an early responder to the words from the heart of my wife.

    Sam was a God-sent treasure. I remember vividly the first time Susan and this little fluffy kitty saw it each other. It was love at first sight. He look at her then with the same loving and tender gaze that he gave her from nearly the same spot four and one-half years later. The look in his little face was not one of sadness, but of deep and admiring affection and love.

    Sam was fearless. There was no fear in his eyes. His eyes told the story of understanding. His eyes told the story of love. His eyes told the story of faithfulness to the purpose God had created him for.

    As a husband who works away from home each day, I have always known my wife would be well accompanied by a little companion filled with life, love and a big heart filled with so much love.

    Yet, his eyes are the most telling. Night after night, he would sit on her lap for "lap-time". Most times, he would stare at her in complete adoration, without an ounce or even glimmer of pretentiousness. His gaze at her each evening was one of utter devotion, care, caring and love. I commented on it often. It was as obvious as breathing. I adored his love for her and hers of him. I adored how she had this little heart to be so close with and whom share both her and I together.

    Sam was truly a gift from God. The Lord poured love to him and through him. No matter what the future holds, the present moment will always hold the treasure of the memories and moments we shared with him and he with us.

    There is so much more I could write. Privately, I will. Privately, I will record over time each memory that I have for our own personal remembrance in loving tribute to a little kitty who brought such grace along with him, blessing our lives in each moment he was here.

    More than this, the treasure he gave to us so richly, we hold in our hearts until another time and place in the Lord's Kingdom. Time and space are a veil that will soon be lifted from our hearts and eyes. When the veil is finally parted and all is revealed, I know this little fluff of grace and love will be reunited along with all the Saints of God in a never-ending eternity, where tears are wiped away, goodness reigns and love conquers all.

    Thank you God. Thank you Sam for being a gift and never ever missing the mark of your purpose in the Lord Jesus. You may not be a person like we, but your little life shone so bright and, in our hearts -- always will!

  5. Praying God's comfort for you! My son's dog, Petey, died after only a year of owning her. God really used her to bless my son (and me in turn). Your post really made me cry!! God knows exactly what we need when we need it most. I trust His love for you will flood your heart like a river tonight and in the days ahead.

  6. Oh my god, this is so sad. I cannot help but cry. Pets are members of of family and it is only natural to grieve for the loss of your Sam. Your husband's words are so tender and convey the pain of your loss. I am sorry Susan. I hope the memories of Sam will bring you comfort. Take care, dearest.

  7. My heart goes out to you Susan and Larry.
    It will be very hard to fill that space which
    Sam occupied in your hearts - only time can heal! I am facing the December of my dear Cherie's days - after 17 years - my dear grand old Poodle girl but I know it is coming unlike you poor dears. I know how heavy your hearts are and feel so much for you.
    A big hug,

  8. Oh Susan - I´m so sorry for your loss.
    Sendings lots of thoughts and hugs your way.
    xo Tina

  9. Oh dearest Susan, I`m so sorry for you, my dear, and knowing what you are up to those dayes, makes my heart breake for you.
    I hope you can get through those next weeks, without breaking- and sends you much love.

    I will be back soon,dear

  10. With tears in my eyes, I send you my deepest sympathy for the loss of sweet Sam.

    Yes, Sam is a gift from God.


  11. Oh, Susan, how sad. I know there are no words...your post brought tears to my eyes so I can only imagine how you feel. We've lost a kitty several years ago too and I still cry when I think about her. We have Sweetie now and what a sweet comfort she is.
    Blessings and hugs,

  12. So sorry for the loss of your sweet friend, Sam. Sending prayers and hugs your way.

  13. Susan,

    I am so sorry for your loss. I cried when reading your post, I have a chocolate lab that I feel the same about. God definitely blesses us when we need it most even if it is in the form of a furry little sidekick! You have many wonderful memories! You are in my prayers!

  14. Dear sweet Susan...
    Oh I am in tears reading this about your beloved kitty, Sam. We have shared our love for our pets and I am so very sorry to hear little Sam passed away.
    Bless your sweet heart..please know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  15. With tears in my eyes, I write to say I am sorry for your loss. I am sorry because, I know the pain you feel and how your heart aches. What a special last few hours you spent with Sam, I know he passed with your love in his heart.

  16. Oh Susan.. I am only just reading this, on this Saturday morning.. And in tears, I can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this. I have put down a cat once myself, and know how heart-breaking it is to do. I pray God brings you comfort in this very sad and difficult time. I find comfort in that we'll all meet again someday. ~tina

  17. Susan; I am so sorry for the loss of your dear friend Sam. What a heartwrenching story. Pets have such a hold on us, they love us unconditionally. I pray for God's peace upon you and your family.
    Hugs and many blessings

  18. From Susan and I both to ALL of you and the outpouring of your hearts to ours -- THANK YOU! It means more than words can say to know so many send comfort to us. Thank you all once again. The Grace of God will bear us all together and every last tear will be erased in a time and place soon to come. Thank you all for being a part of that Grace.

  19. Dear Susan, so sorry to read about your cat, a sad day for you, a cat is a wonderful friend, my cat sleeps at my feet every night, thinking of you.
    Hugs Anni

  20. Oh Susan, I am so so very sorry for your loss. And you reached out so sweetly to me when my son Jake died and I had no idea you had lost a child. Those who have lost children just "get it". Sam was so beautiful and I know your heart is breaking. Love you, Mollye

  21. Dear Susan and Larry, I am grieving right along with you. Sam sounds like an extraordinarily special cat, a once in a lifetime cat. You will miss him forever and I am very sorry for that. But I am happy that you had him, loved him, and will forever cherish him.

    Love and hugs from Jan

  22. Dear Susan, Larry, and precious Sam,
    I am just so sorry that Sam had to have a tumor next to his heart. You think feline leukemia and some of the other diseases but never a tumor. I have no doubt Sam is in heaven.
    I had not a clue you have a daughter and granddaughter in heaven. I think the loss of a child is the most grief I have ever experienced. I don't think until the day my husband and I are reunited with Amy in heaven...only then I will stop missing her.
    Your Sam, my pets, are just like children and more
    I will be praying for you and Larry. I was also so very, very sad Susan when I read your story about the white cats you have had...I can't believe that Lady took your cat...that is soooo very cruel.
    My mother in love is 90 years old.She is awesome
    You are a very beautiful lady.
    Have A Sugar Sweet Day
    Simply Debbie

  23. I am so sorry you lost poor Sam. There is a website named the rainbow bridge, about pet loss. Maybe it can bring you some comfort. I have lost several cats and my sweetest cat of all is missing for over a year now. I feel your pain :( Wishing you strength to get trough these difficult days. Hugs!

  24. I am so sorry that your beloved Sam was called away so soon. It is never easy to say goodbye to a member of our family. I'm sure Sam was comforted by having you with him. Blessings to you and yours.

  25. This is the first time I have visited your blog--I feel like crying. I know what you must be feeling. It never seems right that we outlive our beloved pets.I am so sorry. I am sure he will visit you in your dreams.

  26. Susan honey I have been so sad since we talked Saturday. I have thought of you so much wondering how you were doing and feeling so sad for you.
    I know your heart is breaking and I wish I could help you.
    Sam was a beautiful cat and so loved so much and I know that you will cherish these sweet memories forever
    Love ya

  27. Oh Susan, I am so sorry to hear about Sam. I know your heart is broken and so sad. I will pray for you my dear friend! ((hugs))

  28. So sorry for your loss. Love and hugs to you.


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