The Winner of my Giveaway Is..............
Hello Sweet Friends, Thank you to everyone who signed up for my 200th post and Birthday Giveaway!! You are all such dear ladies and I am so Blessed to get to know all of you here in Blog land. When I first started my blog I had no idea what to expect...I only wanted/needed to find like minded women who love to create some beauty in their lives and to share it with others. I am so very happy I am here and get to share with you and you with me the various creative adventures of our lives together. My Mom once again has picked out the Winner of my Giveaway!! Thank you Mom! ;) In my abbreviated handwriting it reads.... # 20 "Krys Kirkpatrick"!!!! Congratulations Krys!! I will be in touch with you to get your mailing address soon!! Thank you again My Friends Love to All of You!! Blessings, Love and Smiles, Susan xxoo