A Beautiful Shore Bird Nest

Happy Friday Dear Friends, I want to share something I purchased from my friend Vicki from.... http://vicki-2bagsfull.blogspot.com/ I few weeks ago Vicki finished a project she was working on featuring her beautifull Shore Bird Nests that she lovingly made. Vicki lovingly by hand made each one, which took her a few months to make. Two of the nests were very special because she was donating the proceeds to the Suncoast Seabird Sanctuary in Florida, this is the largest Shorebird Hospital in the USA and receives 8000 admissions a year for treatment and rehabilitation. I was one of the lucky ones who was able to purchase one of the two shorebird nests whose proceeds go to a much needed cause. I have taken a few pictures of which they don't do justice to the breathtakingly loving work the Vicki has done. Please go visit Vicki's site and stroll through this very lovely lady's blog. You will be glad you did...she is one of the most loving and c...