Hi Friends!!! My Giveaway Ends Wednesday at Midnight!!

Hello Dear Friends!!! If you have not signed up for my Giveaway yet now is your chance for it will be closing as of Wednesday the 24th. of August at midnight EST. I have been so busy with so many things as of late. My mother was in the hospital last Tuesday evening for a leg condition for Cellulitis. Her legs became swollen, red and hard. She was given antibiotics by IV drip. I have been taking care of her needs and happy to say the swelling in her legs has gone down quite a bit!! My online art class with the Artful Gathering is winding down now. I am working on my keepsake box at the moment and hope to finish it by the end of the week. The class with Nancy Maxwell James has been delightful. I have learned so much and will incorporate many new techniques I have learned in my future projects! Scroll down to my Giveaway post and sign up!! I will see you back here on Wednesday the 25th. with the name of the winner!! Love and Blessings to you All Susan ...