Trip to Tybee Island and Savannah Ga.

Hi Sweet Friends, I have to apologize for being absent lately from my blog and visiting with you all. I was put on some new meds and for a couple of weeks I have felt like crap!!! I was put on Cymbalta for my fibro...ughhh it was so bad...I felt like my head weighed 100lbs. my mood shifted to feeling depressed and I could not concentrate on anything. So needless to say I just stopped taking them. I have not told my Dr. yet and have an appointment in less than two weeks. The only thing it was good for was my foot that has the RSDS problem...alot less pain and tingling, but that was the only bennefit from it. Also my 91 yr old Mom is having problems with her legs now and needs more care too. So we both have been rather down lately! ...