Please Welcome Little Miss "Daisy" ......A New Member of the Family!!!!

Hi Dear Friends, Guess what??? I have a brand new kitty!!!!! Last night my husband and I took a drive to see a lady about a kitty!! Dottie raises "Persian" kitties and has 6 in her home. Dottie needed to let go of two of her was Amber and one was Daisy! We had seen Amber's photo on Craigs List and thought she was the cats meow. Dottie had raised Amber and Daisy...they are 2 1/2 year old sisters. They were both in a pen in the livingroom when we arrived so we could visit with them. Well Daisy and I hit it off from the start and I fell for this cute little ball of fur real hard! This morning Daisy and I were playing and so I wanted to take some pictures to show you this little cutie pie. I still miss my Sam so much he will always live in my heart. I think Sam would have approved of little Miss Daisy...don't you think so too?? Love to you All, Susan and Daisy!