A Peaceful Stillness In Your Soul.......

Hello Dear Friends,

I am hoping that All is well
in your part of the world today.

After a tumultuous day of bad
weather yesterday here in Georgia,
today we are having a beautiful calm
and sunny early spring day.
We had some very bad storms
here yesterday with sirens going
off and on because of Tornado
threats. I got my Mom in a safe
and secure place in the house and
gathered up medications and things
that were important and hunkerd
down. We prayed that all would
go well and  so it did,.
Thank You Lord.

We are still not feeling well. I now
have it full blown as well with
a lot of coughing. My husband is
still coughing a bit and Mom
seems to be slowly getting better too.
I feel like crap but praying
that it will pass quickly.
Hard to do anything right
now. I feel drained.

I have had this picture for
awhile now...and no it is
not my back yard...but it
would be nice if it was!!

I thought it would be lovely
for you all to look at and just
breath in some serenity and
calmness to your life. Whatever
you may be doing at the moment
remember to take a deep breath
relax and appreciate all the
wonderful gifts in your own life.

With Love and may
God Bless you All!!



  1. I find your post today very uplifting. I think I am suffering from cabin fever and kind of feel blah. Your sweet little post has lifted my spirit.

    Have a nice day!

  2. I'm glad you are safe. You must feel exhausted today after that storm fright, plus being sick and taking care of your family. You poor thing! I'm sending you healing energy. Your shared photo looks like something from my own yard, rather shabby chic, but lush.

  3. Oh my sweet friend, please take care. HUGS MARY

  4. Glad to hear that you came through the storms OK, and hope you feel better soon. Your photo has me longing for spring, so that I can get back in the garden!

  5. Hi Susan! I hear we are partners for the next ATC swap!.. I am new to scrapbooking and paper crafting, but really do LOVE it so far, and just hope I can come up with something you'll like.. Or should I say, actually, that we BOTH like! Glad the weather calmed down for you, but so sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I'll be sure to say a word for you in my prayers tonight!.. Nice to meet you! ~tina

  6. Much flooding iin area town here...your garden pictue is lovely and with a few more weeks of waiting we should be there in our area also....

  7. Hi Sweet Susan! I Had Wondered Where You've Been..And It Was A Delight To See You Had Visited! Yay! I've Missed You! And Thanks For The Shout Out For The Georgian Blog Button..For Sure I'll Pop Over And Get It, Okay. Hey Susan I've Got A Quick Question..The Photo From This Posting..Can I Borrow It? It Took My Breath..Looks Like A Perfect Composition To Me. With Your Permission, I'd Like To Do A Draft And See If I Could Take It To Canvas. Please Let Me Know, Okay.

    Sorry To Learn Your Household Has Been Under The Weather. Friend..Everything Is Beginning To Bloom Here, And Pollen Is EVERYWHERE! I've Been Choking On The Stuff All Week! My Husband Had To Take Down A Huge Pear Tree In Back This Fall Because The Pollen Blew Inside So Badly. Here's Hoping Y'all Are In Full Recovery By Now And Sending A Big Hug Of Love And Sunshine To Help You Through! Have A Beautiful Weekend!

  8. Susan, spring in the south is a scary time of year weather-wise. Be safe, be well!
    Hugs, Diane


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