A Face In the Mirror.....

Hi Dear Friends!!   

Can you take a guess who this is???

It's me.......my face in my magnified 

I am feeling better and this is the first
time in a while now that I feel good. 
I needed to take a picture of myself to see me feeling good!! I wanted to show all of you a recent picture of me as well. I have an older picture of myself on my profile taken about three years ago I think. I look at that picture and while it is me
it is no longer who I am now.

My faith in God is much stronger now!
I have a wonderful connection with
you my blogging friends.
My Mother is living with us now
and I can take care of her now.
My husband took me and my Mom
to the Doctors yesterday and we are
both doing much better. Mom's lungs
are clear and my biggest problem
is actually allergies!!
I told the Dr. what I
have been doing for mom during
her cold/cough and he said that
I did all the right things for her!!
Yippee what I relief to hear that!!
Thank you God!!

It is getting a bit harder for me
I have to admit to make and create
things the way I use to because of
my eyesight. I find I take so long
when I am creating something
that it really aggravates me.
I think I am going to have to be
easier on myself than I have been

So with that said I am going to
change directions in my blogging.
I will create but at a slower pace
and will probably write more to
you...and share things with you
and hopefully be interesting to

I also have many many photos
that I have taken over the years
and would like to share those
with you as well.

So I would like for you to
get to know me more And.....
I want to get to know
ALL of YOU much better!!

Is that ok? Is that a Deal??

Love is all around us....
                                     Grab some and give it
It will always come
                               back to you.....
                                                     much more than you can ever know........sjm



  1. Hello my dear friend, you are so beautiful.......I was so glad to hear from you, you have been on my mind a lot.............I am with you all the way on blogging. I have always felt blogging was for fun and I do it at a much slower place as well, it could be that I have my hands in to way to many things, besides working full time still. I consider you my life long friend and love that we have each other in our lives. I am glad you and your mother are doing well.............have a wonderful SUNDAY. Plenty of hugs to you Mary

  2. You look so beautiful Susan. I´m so happy for you and that you´re feeling better. It´s such a wonderful photo of you. So glad your mother is doing better too.
    Take care and have a wonderful day
    xo Tina

  3. Hello, Susan. We haven't met, but I see that you have signed up for our Third Blog Give Away. It is always fun to meet another 'crafter/blogger'. Hope you will be our winner. Thanks for visiting us at Fox On The Run Meanderings. (You are a lovely woman!) GOD bless you!

  4. Aaah my dear! You are more than looking good, you are beautiful. You have a lovely smile and you know what? There is kindness in your eyes!

  5. Susan, you can change your focus as need be, I will still be coming around and reading your blog. You should do what you need to do according to your personal abilities and goals. No sense losing the fun of all this. That's what it is supposed to be is fun, right? I always enjoy my visits here. You conserve your energy and enjoy life. Glad you and your family are finally recovering from the cold. take care, my friend.

  6. Hi Susan,
    Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog.

    I think your photo is absolutely lovely and am looking forward to reading more of your entries.
    :-) Thank you for commenting on the links - I'll be fixing that right away!

  7. Hi Susan; So glad you are feeling better. The new picture of you is beautiful. It is always a good thing to take a picture of yourself when you are feeling better!
    Hugs and many blessings

  8. It's a deal, PRETTY Susan!!
    Hugs and blessings and further healing!

  9. Glad youre feeling better, the close up is great as youre quite far away in the 'old' one. Love that blue mug mat you made. Thanks for your kind comment!

    (I'd like to sit for a moment on that chair that's not in your garden ;)

  10. What a great post and it's nice to see your face up close looking so pretty. Glad you are feeling better. xox Corrine

  11. Oh my honey you are so beautiful and brave too I could never take that close up of me and post it. lol
    So happy you did though it is a lovely picture Been wondering too if you were feeling better so glad to hear that you are and your mom too.
    Will call you


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