My Irish Heritage.......

Top O' the Mornin To Ye.... I'de like to wish you All a very Happy St. Patricks Day!! I am proud to say that I am 1/2 Irish on my fathers side of the family. My fathers mothers family came from northern Ireland and ventured across the Atlantic to America in the 1800's. This collage page you see here is actually a piece I did with the "Artfull Gathering" class I was in with Nancy James Maxwell last summer. We were to create a book and a keepsake box to keep the finished book in. This lovely young lady was my fathers sister, my Aunt Julia. The little line across her forehead is actually a little curl she would do with her hair. This picture of her was from a newspaper article for a beauty contest for "Miss Bronx"!! Julia entered many beauty contests and eventually became a dancer in New York City with the Gertrude Hoffman dancers and danced on Broadway. In 1925 after a show they did called "A Night in Paris", the w...