Please Pray for my kitty "Sam"!!!!...Update...Taking Sam to the Vets now....Pls keep Praying!! TY

Hi Friends,

My beautiful kitty "Sam" has not been
well lately. He has been throwing up
and breathing heavy. We will be taking
him to the vet this afternoon when my
husband get off of work. 

I have had three white kitty's in my
life thus far. My first white kitty I
had was when I was a little girl in
Florida. He showed up at our house
on my 8th birthday. I named him Well Kitty was my constant
companion, he would let me dress him
up in doll clothes and be pushed around
in my doll buggy. I would bring all my
dolls outside and lay them down on a
blanket with another blanket up to their
chins...ha ha.. you would see doll head,
doll head, Kitty head...and so forth!
He was my best friend. One day
the wicked witch down the street
stopped in front of our house on her
bike and told my Dad that my Kitty
was making too much noise at night
over at her house with all her cats!
Well my Dad continued to mow the grass...
and she scooped up my Kitty and put him in
her basket and rode off. I was horrified.....and very sad.
I missed my Kitty so much. Then one day
Kitty returned, he was all dirty and bloody.
It took him three weeks to come home to me
but he was so sick and so we had to take him
to be put to sleep! Very sad ;(

My second white kitty was named "Missy"
She was a Turkish Angora and I found her
at the pound. She was my little girl and loved
me very much! Missy loved paper and would play with
it, lay on it...roll around on it!! Too funny!  I was going
through some tough times and had to give her away.
A friend of mine worked at a nursing home and took
Missy for me. Well Missy became the mascot of the
nursing home and was a delight to everyone there.

Then came "Sam"...what can I say he is the most loving
affectionate cat I know. He follows me everywhere.
When I craft he is there....when I watch TV he has to sit
on my lap and face the TV with me...he has to be my side
all the time.

He is throwing up and coughing and having a hard
time breathing....he is not by my side today... he is
in my bedroom..laying on my shoes....poor Sam...

Please Pray for Sam....

I will let you know later how he is!!

Love to All,



  1. Oh dear Susan -
    We love our kitties so much and i do so know how worried you are. Prayers are said - please keep us informed about your dear Sam. We have a white kitty too - his name is Homer and we adore him~~


  2. Hi Susan, so sorry to hear Sam is not feeling well. People who have a love for animals feel as deeply as if it were their child. We feel that way about our Goldies. We will pray for Sams health as well as your heart as I know it must be aching right now. Remember Sam was created by God and belongs to God and we are all just on loan to one another.
    Sweet blessings and prayers, Abbey

  3. Oh sorry to hear about your kitty!! I used to have a cat named Sammie short for Samantha I had her for a long time. Now I have Lexus and she is always next to me too.
    I hope Sam will be ok please keep us posted.
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. Yes honey I am praying but I am gonna forward a link to your bloggy for my daughter Lori to pray over Sam because she is truly a Kitty prayer warrior. Blessings, Mollye

  5. I sure will be in prayer, as I know how true the love for your feline children really is. Sounds like digestion and maybe hairballs (bezar trouble) I would shave him real short, get some steroids, and put him on science diet with hair removal treatment. I am just believing and calling on the Lord that Sam's healing will be fast and miraculous.

  6. Thank you so much my dear friends for your continued prayers...I went to lay down beside him and he can't even purr now...he was this morning.

  7. Dear Susan,-
    so sorry for you,sweet- such a sad story with your first cat-
    and now with your Sam- I so hope for you ,the wet can help him-and it is nothing seriously.
    Love and hugs,Dorthe

  8. Susan,
    Yes we will pray for Sam. Our little fur babies are like children to us.
    Hope you get good news at the vet.

  9. I am hoping the vet can help Sam, and pray that he'll soon be well and purring.

  10. My prayers are with you and Sam. My fur-child kitty BooBoo is sitting here and she sends her prayers too. Blessings...

  11. I just read this and I am a little too late. I am so sorry, Susan. God bless you.


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