Welcome in 2014

Hello Friends...                                            

It has been far too long since I wrote here on my blog. One of my dear friends left
the Face Book community and started to blog again. It got me thinking about blogging
and how much fun it was meeting all of you and sharing our lives with one another.

I am not sure if I will continue again full time to blogging...but, as my dear friend said,
"Once you start blogging, it becomes easier"!

How is everyone doing out there?...Many of you have stuck with me...which amazes me.
Thank you for that!!

For those of you who don't know...My husband, my mom and I, moved to Savannah, GA. in August of 2013. We love it here so very much. We live in a lovely home by the marsh. We are near Tybee Island, where the ocean is, and close enough to downtown Savannah's historic district to take a stroll on a Sunday afternoon.

I will post some pictures of our new home....

God Bless you All with much Love and Happiness....XOXO


  1. Hello!! So good to see you return to blogging, we've missed you. I have wanted to visit Tybee Island for many years and hope to do so next Fall. Looking forward to hearing more from you and hope all is well in 2014..;j

  2. Hi dear Susan, welcome back...
    yes I stayed blogging, too-even I`m on fb, and all together I use far tooo much time in front of the screen -LOL but I don`t want to let go of my blog..On the blog there are more time and place for longer posts, and more pieceful reading.
    I hope you stay, dear friend.
    Hugs and love, Dorthe

  3. Well sister you must know that one of the entries on my bucket list is to visit you in Savannah! Glad you're back getting your feet wet!


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