Prayers and a Baby Girl on the Way...

Originally uploaded by sjmcdowell
My oldest son Andy and his wife Dawn found out last week that their baby will be a girl. We have all been praying that all goes well this time,
as they lost their daughter a year and a half ago six weeks before she was due on Christmas eve. It was a very hard time because they had tried three times to become pregnant and with the Fragile X complications to make it worse. With Fragile X if it is a boy the chances are very slim for a normal life. Boys have physical as well as mental disabilities where as girls who have Fragile X can go undetected as my daughter in-law was till she had a blood test when they were trying to get pregnant a couple of years ago.
So this is great news and PLEASE say some prayers that this little girl will be healthy and that all will go well!! It has been such a heartbreaking trial these past two years and they want a baby so badly.
Just before they found out they were pregnant they had finished up the last of the paper work involved in adopting and were waithing for call to let them know if they had a baby...when out of the blue Dawn became pregnant!!

Miracles happen everyday all around us and God has all the right reasons for why and how things work out as they do.

I love you all and God Bless each of you,



  1. Best of luck for the couple and the baby. I hope fortune smiles upon them this go round. I'll say a little prayer.

  2. Susan, congrats! on your little gr-daughter ... we will certainly lift her & your entire family in prayer for health & blessings.

    Miracles do happen ...

    Have a great week.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  3. Praying for perfection ...
    for this sweet baby girl...
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  4. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers. I know the devastation of losing a newborn and I pray they never have to experience such a tragedy again. Peace and joyful blessings to them all...and you too grandma!

  5. Oh my dear Susan.........I pray everything goes well for you and your entire, happiness and blessings of this gift from GOD............XO MARY

  6. Susan - I know all to well how fragle life can be for those babies who have Fragle X syndrome. We have these little ones from time to time in our NICU. I am eleated that a little girl is on the way for your family and I will certainly be saying prayers for you all.


  7. Oh Susan I am soooo out of the loop that I have never heard of Fragle X Syndrome. But I hope and pray God will bring this little miracle to full term and what a blessing she will be to you all.

  8. Hi Susan,
    I am praying for you and your family that your little baby arrives all healthy and perfect.


  9. Hi Susan,

    Thank you for stopping by and following as well. I am praying for your son, DIL, as well as the baby. My Dil is due in Sept with baby girl#4.
    I am the mother of an adult special needs child. He has been such a blessing and I have learned so much over the last 27 years.
    I pray that your family has the miracle they so deserve.

    big hugs,

  10. Honey I am so happy for you a little girl. I have been praying for them and so happy to see this post. How excited you must be...and this is just a blessing
    I came by tonight because I miss you and have been wondering if you are feeling better.
    Call me when you can I miss our visits

  11. I'm praying for God to step in and take care of this little one, your family needs a blessing.
    Hugs and love,


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