An Ocean Adventure

 Hello Friends....

I know I have been absent from my Blog..forever!!
I am on FB most of the time now. It is easier
to keep up with my grand kids and friends from there
than here.
I am still going through health issues quite a bit. Mostly
lots of pain to deal with. I find I can't do things for any length
of time, before I get to exhausted.
I will still come by here to blog every now and then and try to visit
you, when I can.  I miss all or you...who know maybe I will be back
more full time at some point in time.

I thought I would share one of my newest creations with you.
 I call it "An Ocean Adventure"!!

                                                I hope all of you are doing well and happy.

If you want to
see what new with me, just visit me here on my FB page!!

Till next time....God Bless you!!

 Susan   XOXO


  1. Hello my dear Susan-so good to see you on your blog again, sweet friend!
    I know about your health problems from fb, and so hope for you, there will come a day where you feel totally well, and in no pain, I will pray for that!
    Your ocean creation is sweet and so lovely! the shell looks fantastic, Susan!!
    Sending you love and hugs-

    1. Dearest Dorthe,

      Thank you so very much for your kind words, and prayers!!
      I know I will get better, I just need to be patient and trust in God, to lead me to the right choices and Dr's.
      Thank you for your compliment on my little Ocean adventure collage, I enjoyed creating it!!

      Love and hugs always,

      Susan xoxo

  2. I am sorry to hear you go through pain everyday, I hope it does get better for you, and I have not been going through physical pain lately, just lots of changes in my life temporarily that keeps me from blogging like I use to do. Your card is very lovely and I wish you the best sweet friend. You are always so positive and optimistic no matter what. That is something I could tell about you right off the bat. Take care.

  3. Very pretty, Susan. I was just checking in with some bloggers I haven't had contact with for awhile and wanted to say "hi". Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well but I am excited for your move to Savannah. I am envious. I would be up for a move (to a smaller home!). Good luck with your move and I will always remember you as being instrumental in answering questions for me in getting my blog started. Have a happy day!

    1. Hi sweet Patty...I do not blog very much you can see! Thank you for your sweet note to me. It was my sincere pleasure in helping you to get your blog up and running!! You are a lovely lady and so happy we met each other here!! Be well and God Bless you and yours. xoxo


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