St. Patricks Day in Savannah, GA.

 Hello Everyone!!

I know it has been ages since I posted anything!
Many things have been going on, but I will not bore
you with all the gory details!!

One of the things that we will be doing this summer,
is moving to Savannah! My husband and I have been
planning this for a long time now! We are looking
forward to a brand new start!

Here are some St. Patrick's Day photo's for you, that we
took last weekend in Savannah, GA.    

This is a little St. Patty's Brooch I made to wear for the big  day!

 I could not believe the volume of people, all dressed in green!!

We had the most perfect weather!!!
 I adore the "Paris Market" in downtown Savannah.  This is one of the windows in the front of the store.

So many wonderful bands, floats and Kilts!!!

Wishing you all a lovely day!!

Love and Blessings

Susan       XOXO


  1. Great to hear you wonderful news Susan about your move to Savannah! You're going to love visiting the Paris end of town I can see that!
    What a St. Pat's parade that was! Your brooch looks so beautiful too!
    Sending hugs,

  2. Susan- I'm sure you will love living in Savannah- it's certainly a beautiful town! Looking forward to hearing all about your move!

  3. Beautiful photos and what a wonderful time!

  4. Moving to Savannah!?! wow, that is going to be quite a task but I'm happy for you!

  5. Hi Susan, You have not posted for a while and I have not visited. I hear Savannah is really nice. My daughter and her husband almost moved there for school, but instead are going to Phoenix which will keep them much closer to us. Hope you have a great spring and move!


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