Merry Christmas from my home to your's...

 Hello dear Friends...

I hope all of you enjoyed a wonderful
heart warming Christmas.

Beautiful Angel Wings made by
Dawn Edmundson, that I gave as a gift to my mother!!

Picture of me...wearing a Heart necklace
from one of my sons and his family.

Wishing all of you a Blessed New Year
with Love Happiness and Health.

May God be with you Always




  1. Der Susan
    Those angel wings made by Dawn are so very special and such a beautiful gift to give to your mother! You look so beautiful in that photo wearing that heart.
    I wish for you my dear friend a year full of love, joy, peace of heart, feeling loved,
    inspired to create and following your heart's desire.
    Thank you for your beautiful comment left also.
    My love and blessings to you,

  2. Beautiful, thoughtful gifts! Most of all, you're blessed to be able to spend the holidays with family. May this holiday season continue to be a delight for you!

  3. Dearest Susan
    Your heart necklace is lovely and your beautiful.
    I know your Mom loved her gift. Their really pretty.
    I hate we have not kept in touch much these past months.
    Hopefully in this New Year we can talk more.
    Been keeping you in my prayers.
    Let me know how you are
    Happy New Year may you be Blessed with no pain this year.

  4. Beautiful gifts and beautiful smile.
    Feel like I missed Christmas but then I remind myself it's always Christmas in our heart. :)
    Happy New Year again, my friend.


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