My New Fall Hat...And A New Indian Maiden Bag!

 Hi Sweet Friends...

Soooo I have been missing in action for quite a while now. Please excuse my lateness in blogging. I am still going to Physical Therapy for my hip, leg, and back. I do feel better...but I can't over do it!!

This is me wearing my new hat!!! Vicki Boster was making some Fall hats and so I purchased one from her recently. I just received it in the mail today and so I had to try it on!!!! OMG....Lovin my new Hat!! Vicki is amazing at creating such works of art with her knitting needles. I have purchased wonderful nests she has created over the last few years...but, when she made these hat 's...I Had to have one!!! :)
This is my newest Indian Maiden bag...but I did not sell it, I made it for a special friend of mine Marilyn, who's birthday was August 17th. Marilyn loves the Native Americans and loves the bags I have been making.  I thought that I would gift her with one of my creations!!!! She LOVED the bag!!Yay!!!                                                                                                                                                         


I hope you all are doing well and keeping Happy!
I will be announcing a Giveaway soon.....
So stay tuned!!
Love and Gods Blessings


  1. Hi sweet Susan,
    you are so lovely looking in your new wonderful hat, from Vicki -and your bag to your friend is another beautiful work from you.

  2. The Indian bag is awesome and the hat is adorable!

  3. Hi, Susan: Wonderful hat! You look great in it! Glad you're taking care of yourself and not overdoing!

  4. You are a doll in that hat!!! Who was the creative genius that designed that hat?? Lol!!! I'm so glad you love it--- you will really appreciate it this winter as it is SO warm!!

    Your Indian bags are lovely-- I'm sure your friend treasures hers!


  5. I love your Indian bag! I am from New Mexico, so I have seen this kind of art before and yours is very beautiful! Hugs, Penny

  6. oh Susan, your fall hat is just grand, but the bag you made is stupendous. Love the old native american photo on it. I hope will keep feeling better soon. come get in on the giveaway I have going on at my blog in honor of my newest grandson. Hugs to you friend!

  7. What an adorable hat! I too love it and you are so cute in it.
    Your purse you gave to Marilyn is amazing. I know she will cherish it forever.
    So sorry I have not called or wrote in a while.
    Things have been crazy and then me trying to get ready for Maine was even crazier. I have to say it was a trip that will be in my heart for a long time. Maine is just gorgeous. I can see why your grandfather moved there so long ago. I would in a heart beat if it were not 2000 miles from my children.
    Came home to problems with all the rain we had while I was gone. The weather there was so prefect I never dreamed we were having storms. lol
    Let's catch up soon.
    Love ya


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