A Collage Made for A Friend......

Hi Dear Friends....

I have been absent from Blogland
for soooo long! I have missed you
very much!!!

I can not believe that this is the last
day of summer...where did it go???
For me summer was spent at the
Physical Therapy office.
In some ways I have improved,
in other ways I have not. I will probably
keep going for awhile longer. I started
in June and now we are going into
October. I must say the weather here
in Georgia has cooled off a bit...whew
I can not take the hot hot summers
here at all!! Too hot for me!

I wanted to share a collage I have just
finished making for a dear friend of mine.
Her birthday was a couple of weeks ago.
But between her and my schedule's we
have been unable to find the time to
meet up. Nevertheless I made this
just for her! She loves the soft greens,
golds, tans, and pinks. So I am hoping
 that she will like it!!!

How are All of you doing?? Please drop

me a note and let me know you are still
reading my blog....since i do not blog
as much...you may have drifted away!

I must confess that I am on FB
much more now.

I have some other things to share
with you soon...so don't go too far away...Ok?
Love and Gods Blessings with you always...


  1. Your collage is beautiful...your friend will adore it...it's hard to believe it's so hot there in Georgia...we're just coming into Spring here in Oz...we're all excited about Summer coming.

  2. Hello Susan,
    I think your collage is gorgeous! What a lovely piece of art for your friend...so soft and romantic!
    I am sorry to hear you have been having physical difficulties. I do hope you begin to feel better very soon : )

  3. It is beautiful, of course your friend will love it! I hope you can enjoy your autumn and not be in such pain. I'm not blogging either for some reason. But I still check my blog list now and then! Nice to see you.

  4. Of Course we are here sweetie, have missed you, your collage is so beautifully made, love the colors and the things you have added, take care of yourself.
    Warm hugs

  5. Susan dear, this collage of yours is so very very beautiful, - and I`m still here.
    I prefer blogging from FB ,and hope that you will go on blogging, to see and read more than we do on FB....
    Hope you are feeling better, dear friend.

  6. LOVE the collage! Such pretty pinks. You did a wonderful job. It does take time trying to keep up with all the different on line places. I know my blog suffers too especially when trying to do things on my Etsy shop. Anyway, so nice to chat. Hope your PT is helping. ; )

  7. Susan- your collage is so very lovely- your friend must have been thrilled to be gifted this treasure from you---
    Love you-
    Mean it---

  8. nice post thanks for sharing..i found you thrue other bloggers..looking for to visit more..blessings

  9. Hello Dear Susan
    What an amazingly beautiful card for your dear friend - she will adore it I am sure!
    I am still here blogging with you and don't use Facebook.
    How do Bloggers keep up with both? I find this blogging community much more personal where we can connect in a more detailed and friendly way!

  10. Somehow Susan I couldn't finish my comment.
    Just sending you some hugs and blessings!


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