The Goat Farm

Hi Sweet Friends.....Hope you all are staying cool!!! Down here in Georgia we have been sweltering in the Hotlanta temps!!! My friend JoAnn and I visited  a place called the "Goat Farm" on Saturday. We spent couple of hours walking around looking at all the diffferent vendors. The temps reached 106 and needless to say it was way tooo hot to stay outside for too long.
A "metal" Goat family........Lol :) Where are the real "Goats"....??

I thought you would like to take a stroll and look through some of the
photos I took while we were visting the "Goat farm"!!


Love the Cowboy boots!!!

This was such a pretty booth.....

Ummmm still looking for the Goat farm....

No Goats here!!!
There were many of these old abandoned warehouse type structures scattered around the area. I am not sure why they called it a "Goat farm"....I am sure the farm is here somewhere...but darned if I
can spot it!!

 I love the twin chairs...don't you??
Did you see a Goat farm yet????

 There were these different vignettes scattered through the area.....I "had" to take pictures of them!! :)

Isn't this chair "too cute???

No goats here...............:(
Hope you enjoyed the tour...:)
Sad to say we did not find "The Goat Farm"!!!!!!! :(

Stay cool and safe dear Friends......And enjoy a GREAT Fourth of July!!!!

Love ...Blessings and Lots of Hugs...



  1. Hi dear Susan, Yes I enjoyed the tour, and all the things to see,
    love the chair with flowers and the old ironing board with the great birdscage.
    Thank`s -Hugs,Dorthe

  2. Good morning Susan - This looks like a great place - you braved the heat! I am hoping the temperatures will drop as they've predicted - the afternoon storms are fantastic! There must be a story behind the name to The Goat Farm! I'd love to visit some day,
    I hope you're having a blessed day,


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