The "Cowgirl Bag"...Series "3" !!!

Hi Sweet Friends.... I hope you all are doing well on this Tuesday!! We have been getting quite a bit of rain for the past few days here in Georgia , but it makes everything look so beautiful and green, and of course the flowers love all the moisture!!   Here is another "Cowgirl" bag I finished. This bag is the third in a series of bags. As some of you may know I am selling these bags for a great cause. My friend KC Willis is donating her time and resources for the great Lakota people on the Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota. I am helping in her effort by making some OOAK bags by donating part of my proceeds to give to KC to help the Lakota Indians.        
The picture you see here on the bag is of Clamaity Jane. She was quite the sharpe shooter in her day, rivaled many a man with her shooting skills.   I am really loving making these bags....I have already sold the first two bags. Jan bought the first "Cowgirl" bag from me!! The second bag, the Indian Maiden bag I have already sold where I have a booth at the Antique mall in Roswell, Ga.

 My next bag will be another "Indian Maiden" bag. I visited Jo-Ann's fabric store recently and the lovely creamy fabric I use on my bags was for sale...50% off!!! I was so excited!!! This fabric is gorgeous and usually sells for almost $50.00 a yard!!!
So here "Calamity Jane" will sit...hoping that someone  will take her home!!!

I had my MRI with contrast done yesterday. It went ok..although it was over two hours long and the contrast was injected into my groin area...which they numbed first. The Dr is suspecting a tear in that area and also tendon problems around the I go see my Orthopedic Dr. this coming Friday to find out the results!!!  I am hoping "this time" that what is bothering me will show up on the MRI and then we will know what needs to be done to get rid of this pain I have been having!!!!  I am praying hard and please include me in your prayers as well dear friends!!

Love and Blessings to you All



  1. Hello, my dear Susan,
    So wonderful that you have had the MRI, so they hopefully can say exatly, what is wrong!
    And your little sweet bag, is a wonderful piece again, Susan- I love the different materieal you have used, and the lovely rose you made.
    I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers,for a good result from the MRI.

  2. Susan- I'm praying that you get some info from your tests that will help define the problem. Bless your heart for having to suffer so. Prayers will continue!

    Your beautiful bags are amazing and I admire you so fit your charitable cause. I hope the fund raising is hugely successful-- you have the biggest heart.

    Love you-

  3. These are very sweet -- I need to make it to a KC Willis class one of these days. She seems very nice on the phone, but I've never met her. I hope all turns out well and you get an answer about your pain. I know how that is.

  4. Hi Susan,
    You are making some wonderful items. I imagine your bags are prettier in person with all the beautiful colors and textures. I sure hope you get some answers for the cause of your pain soon. So glad to hear from you today. I always love hearing from you.

  5. Susan honey your new bag is just lovely. I don't know how you make such pretty things when your hurting so bad.
    I thought you were having the MRI yesterday. Hope too that they can read it and get back with you soon so you can have some kind of relief.
    Goodness you certainly are due for some rest and pain free.
    Since I have been eating healthier I feel better. I have broke a record for no cookies. lol
    Hang in there and call me when you know your test results.
    Praying for you

  6. Dear Susan, I am sorry to hear that you have been having problems with pain. I hope all goes well with finding out what is causing it. I love your bags and I use to live near the Lakota Sioux reservation when we lived in south Dakota. That is very nice of you to want to help others like that. I am curious as to what is going on with the tribe right now. I will have to look that up on the internet. Hugs to you dear friend.

  7. These bags are so cool. I love them. You have such an interesting blog . . . I am your newest follower. Come on over for a visit, Connie :)

  8. Hi Susan!, just dropping in to say hello. I hope you're feeling well and healthy these days. I love your calamity jane cowgirl bags, these are so adorable!, and for a great cause. My niece would love to hear this, she is very interested in the native american culture and a big supporter, it's great that you're doing this!
    Have a beautiful week and stay well,
    Jen xo

  9. So glad you tests went well, Susan. Love the bag, it is fabulous.

    Come join our cause for Zoe, I deeply appreciate this.

    TTFN ~

  10. Your bags are awesome and I love the wish tag idea. What a treasure to have....Especially since they will become so personal. I did machine embroidery squares with bible verses referring to marriage for a lady whose daughter was getting married. The quilt was just amazing. I did the words in gold on a cream background and then she used cream, gold and a tiny bit of burgundy. I didnt blog then so no picture, but it was a beauty.


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