My Phoenix Arizona trip....

 Hi sweet friends,

I returned from Arizona this past Monday and
so I am posting some pictures of my visit with you.

I stayed with my husbands Mom and Dad in Phoenix AZ. Mom and Dad bought a home right on the golf course just a few months ago after selling their home in Colorado. Dad plays golf about three times a week and is happy as a clam....did you ever wonder how happy a clam could be? Lol
 Can you believe there is a doves nest up in this Palm tree? Well there is. Mr and Mrs Dove wove some palm fronds and have quite a high rise condo up there!! I have never seen baby Doves before have you??

This is Mom and Dads backyard!! every morning I would take my coffee and sit here in the chaise lounge and...just relax...Ahhhh!

This is Mom and I getting ready to leave for a ladies luncheon!!  The weather was just perfect!!

 Here I am at the pool....This is the "cold "pool" felt good though!!!

 I wanted to be there for Mom's birthday again this year. Mom made a homemade Blueberry pie and a a Cherry Cheesecake too!  I had to have a slice of both....too yummy!!!! :)
 This is "Andy" the very large Rag Doll kitty. Andy is 11 years old and loves living a life of relaxation...all the time!!!  Lol

 Here I am with Mom and Dad after we had our dinner at the Cottonwood club!! It was Fish night!!

 I thought I would show you some of the beautiful flowers and plants I came across while in AZ.

Cactus of course is everywhere in this arid region. There are so many varieties of Cactus too.

This cute little fella was sooo cute!! He came right up to me and smiled for the picture too!!!

Well my friends that's all for now! I hope you have enjoyed seeing some of my pics from AZ.

On my next post I will show you the wonderful Antique Mall I visited and I will be highlighting A wonderful gal and her booth!!!

Love and Blessings to All,



  1. Hi Susan Sweetie...
    I too live in Phoenix, NW Phoenix, by ASU West. Looks like you had a wonderful time visiting with your family. If you make it back out again, please let me know, I would so love to meet up with you.

    I am hoping that you visited the Brass Armadillo Antique Mall, but can't wait to see where you visited. And who did you meet?

    Love your share. Love seeing your smiling face. Many country hugs, Sherry

  2. Thank-You so much Susan for giving us an insight into the world of Arizona. Being from a very small town in Scotland, it is wonderful to see things are in other parts of the world. Looking forward to your next post as you certainly make them interesting. Have a good Day. Hugs Rita xx

  3. Dear Susan, I can tell you have had a very beautiful holiday with your husbonds family-they live beautifully, and I`m sure warm and lovely in Arizona. For me to visit it would be so special, and fantastic.
    Glad you are home safe again.

  4. Hi Susan
    Looks like you had a wonderful visit to see your parents-in-law in Arizona. These are such special times to share and looks like you had a nice holiday also.
    Lovely to see you back!

  5. My Sweet Susan
    So sorry I missed your phone call the other night. Have been wanting to call you my days and everyday but I mow til dark and then by the time I eat and clean up it is too late to phone you.
    Do try and call me again soon.
    These are great pic's of your trip to Ariz.
    I love this area and you needed the rest badly.
    I bet it was hard to leave.
    Take care honey and I hope your having a beautiful weekend
    Love ya

  6. Susan- well I can see that you had a wonderful visit! Your pictures are beautiful!! Love love love the kitty-- we had one just like her for almost 20 years-- I loved her so much.

    Your in laws live in a beautiful place-- what a great place to visit! You look lovely in the photos--

  7. Thanks my dear friend for stopping by. I also have you in my thoughts and prayers, glad to see you are enjoying your time with family. You look good. Hugs Mary


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