Refreshing Your Soul......

Hello Sweet Friends....
Won't you have a spot of tea with me.....

 The birds are wearing their finest attire...

The garden is growing and summer is almost here.....

I wanted to share some photos with you that inspire me...

I hope your day is as sweet as the freshest rose....

Love and Blessings...



  1. Oh Susan,dear- your bird photo is stunning, what colours, and beauty, and I would love a cup of tea,with you in that beautiful spot.
    Love and blessings right back to you sweet.

  2. Susan- What beautiful pictures. I love your garden and that bird shot is great! Hope you have a great Thursday- xo Diana

  3. Hi Susan, sorry I haven't been by much lately, I'm not spending as much time on the computer which is a good thing but I do miss my blogging friends like you! Your photos are lovely, is that an indigo bunting? Stunning, we don't have those here. I hope your hip gets to feeling better soon in the meantime I shall say some healing prayers for you. be well.

  4. Sweet Susan...thank you so much for your sweet comment on my artwork!!! Girl, your garden is just BEAUTIFUL! I wish I loved working out in the's like I want it but don't want to get hot and sweaty, you know? I hope you are doing so good and thank you always for stopping by to see me!!!! hugs and love, Dawn


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