"Part 2" ....My visit to the Antique Mall in Phoenix AZ.

Hello sweet friends....

As promised I wanted to share a few more
pictures that I took at the Antique Mall I visited
with my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law.

I just loved these sweet dresses hanging
in the window.....don't you??
I remember wearing one like the dress
on the right when I was young. I always
loved getting new dresses...which my
aunt from NY would send to me or
my grandmother.  I still have a dress
and a pink bathrobe my grandmother
made for me. They are very dear to
my heart. 
Do you still have clothing that your
mom made for you or your grandmother??
Let me know if there are any of you who
have been able to keep these items through
the years. Or maybe have passed them down to your children.

While strolling through the antique mall I found the sweetest flowers attached to a linen curtain.

This rose was actually outside near my in-laws house...I thought you would love to see it!!
Another item that caught my eye was this paper wreath!!!  Isn't it gorgeous??

I loved this booth with the gorgeous tall lamps. The aqua glass is stunning!!
Don't you think they would look lovely in a house by the ocean....

Ok...I took this picture for All of you....Lol I just could not pass it by.....I have never seen a bathing suit made of sea shells have you???
If you have...let me know...Lol :)

I fell in love with this mason jar with the lovely wings attached....so sweet!!!!
Well My dear friends I hope all of you enjoyed a lovely Mother's Day!!
I had a wonderful day with my hubby and my Mommy!! :)
I have not been too good with posting lately....I am still having a terrible time with
my right hip pain. I am going to an Orthopedic Dr. on June 1st.  Please say some prayers for me.

Blessings and Love to you Always,




  1. Susan honey your always in my prayers and thoughts even though I am not a good blogging buddy.
    I too have not been posting like I want to with my aches and pains.
    So glad your going to see someone that I hope will help you with your pain.
    It rained all day here today so I should of called you while I was inside.
    I love the pieces you captured for us to enjoy from your trip.
    Even though I was raised on the ocean I don't ever remember seeing a shell bathing suit. lol
    Wish I did have some of the clothes my mom and grandmother made for me but I am sure they were passed on to friends with girls when I out grew them.
    I think of you often and I hope we do talk soon. I miss you

  2. Dear Susan, I so hope for you the orthopedic treatment will help you- I have been going to a chiropractor with pain in my left leg, and she helped me a lot.
    Thanks for showing all this wonderful photoes from your tour to the mall, so many funny and lovely things.
    Hugs and love to you, Dorthe


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