The "Cow Girl and Indian Maiden" Handbags....

 Hi my Sweet Friends,

I wanted to share with you my next
handbag I have made for my booth.

As I mentioned in my last post
I am making handbags to sell
for a wonderful cause.
Many of you know KC Willis
and her wonderful Cow Girl
and American Indian collage's.

A few months ago I started following                                       
KC on Facebook and discovered she
was making trips in her car from Colorad
where she lives to Pine Ridge S. Dakota
to visit the Lakota Indian Reservation.
KC and many of her followers and friends
have been donating their time, resourses
and donations to help the Lokato help
themselves. KC and her husband have
driven thousands of miles with tuck loads
of clothing, house hold items, food. Just
about anything to help these beautiful
people to become self effecient.
Please go to my previous post and click
onto the link to read what KC has been
up to as of late.

I have also donated to her cause and received
a huge amount of material that KC has used
in her Art Retreats that she has done in the past.
KC has sold a lot of her personal art materials
and the money she has received she inturn
gives to the Pine Ridge Res.

I am designing and making handbags with
these materials from her stock to sell in my
booth at the antique mall. Part of my sales
will go straight to the Lokota fund KC has
set up.

Great news...Jan has bought
my very first bag!!  Thank you
so much Jan for helping out!!
I know you will love this bag!!

                                                           I want to wish All of you a Wonderful
                                                                          Memorial Day weekend!!!
                                                                   In honor of All the Veterans who
                                                                          have helped to make this
                                                                              world safer place!!!!
                                                                         May God Bless you All!!

                                                                                  Love to All,


  1. Susan your bags beautiful. I had not heard of this tribe before. Great work you are doing.

    Have a beautiful holiday ... please pray for our troops that serve us, & those that have gone before us.

    TTFN ~

  2. thank you so much sweet friend.

  3. Another great bag! I'm looking forward to receiving mine, hope I have started a buying trend for you.♥

  4. Dear Susan love your beautiful bags, great image on them and also great that you donate some money from the sale to a good case, have anice weekend.
    Hugs Anni

  5. Dear Susan, you have the sweetest heart,
    your baGS are both very beautiful, I love the style, and the materials from KC .
    You are a lovely soul, dear friend.

  6. Such a beautiful bag and I will read about KC and the tribe she is helping.
    Your such a sweetie for doing this but we all know what a kind heart you have.
    Hope your doing well and enjoying the weekend.
    Love ya

  7. Gorgeous bags -- and such a good cause. You're not only talented but so kind as well!

  8. You have a beautiful blog:) I also think your bags are just amazing - what a fantastic cause. Thanks for sharing the link to KC's site, I'm definitely going to go back and visit it tonight after my girls are in bed! You do beautiful work.

  9. Hello dear heart ~ loved talking with you on the phone as it was SO good to hear your voice. I've known about KC for some time and always love visiting her and finding out about what she is doing for our Native Americans. The bag(s) are STUNNING!! You do beautiful work and hope you will make more. Feel better and I'll talk to you again real soon. Love xox Marilyn

  10. Your bags are outstanding ... such attention to detail and your work is impeccable. Love KC ... I've visited her site frequently. I'll look into donating as I am partial to the Native American community. Make more my sweet friend as I LOVE them. Hugs, xoxox M

  11. Your bags are outstanding ... such attention to detail and your work is impeccable. Love KC ... I've visited her site frequently. I'll look into donating as I am partial to the Native American community. Make more my sweet friend as I LOVE them. Hugs, xoxox M

  12. Your bags are gorgeous, Susan. Absolutely beautiful and so inspiring. Love to see giving hearts across blogland. Blessing to you, my dear.

    Your tags should be in the mail tomorrow. Always my pleasure.
    Much love,


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