A Wedding Keepsake Box.....

                                                       Hi Dear Friends!!

                   I wanted to share this newest creation that I made for my Daughter-in-law to be....

 My son and his beautiful fiance' will be Married soon and I wanted to make her something Special!!

I created a Keepsake box to hold some precious items for her very special day!!!

She is receiving a

A garter....with something blue....                                                               A cuff bracelet I created for her

           A shabby rose pin with a button attached to wear after they are married!!!

All wrapped up in this box
that I created just for her...

      I included a lovely little "Bride" book as well....

                           All wrapped up with love for her marriage
                                 to my very special Son!!!!!

     Wishing All of you Joy and Love with
               abundant Blessings.....
                             Susan xxoo


  1. Well! It's stunning! And yes, I see the embroidered LOVE patch......how perfect is that. Your choice of neutrals is so elegant, great job!
    You are going to be a great mother in law to your sons fiancee!!

    Ciao Bella
    Creative Carmelina

    By the way, I sold THE SUSAN privately!! Yeah me! Thanks again for sharing your creative inspirations. xO

  2. Dear Susan, she will be thrilled to recieve your gorgeous gifts, so much love put into all of them- they are beautiful.What a special box to recieve from her mil.

  3. Awesome creations & precious treasures for the future. You did a magnificent job of making heart love beauty for her ... she is a blessed bride-to-be.

    Have a great day ~
    TTFN ~

  4. Hi Susan- what a wonderful collection of gifts-- such a beautiful beautiful box. She will truly treasure this forever. You are a wonderful and thoughtful mother in law--- she will love you for this thoughtful gift.


  5. Susan honey all I ever wanted in life was a MIL like you. lol
    She is going to love this and you. It is just precious and your such a dear for making it.
    I miss you honey.
    My brother had his cancer surgery today so I have family coming here tonight but maybe we can talk soon.
    Love ya

  6. So beautiful! I hope you new daughter-in-law will appreciate and love you as much as the love for her and the love that went into to making this very special gift! So perfect for the bride to be.

  7. I share your excitement for the upcoming wedding as I work on some things for my son and his fiancé too! She will love the keepsake box especially because it was made by her wonderful mother in law to be!

  8. I saw your post on Shell's blog! We are just embarking on the journey of living with MY mother (she's 85). oh and BTW your creations are awesome!

  9. That is such a thoughtful and beautiful gift. Congratulations on the wedding. Sounds like you will be granted with a lovely new daughter.

  10. Dear Susan,
    What a gorgeous box for your DIL and filled with the most beautiful wedding goodies any young bride would love. The braclet, garter, broche, book etc. are so beautifully made.
    Hope you have a really relaxing holiday Susan -
    I gather the wedding will be sometime after you arrive back home.
    Warm wishes and hugs and blessings,

  11. Hi Susan!
    What a beautiful keepsake box; I'm sure your daughter in law will cherish it even more because it was handmade with love and care!
    Take care,


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