Lets Take A Walk...........

 Hello Sweet Friends.....

I was wondering if you would like to take a
walk with me today....it's such a beautiful
spring day.  The temperature is perfect....
I have my comfy shoes on...looks like you do too!

 Look how beautiful the flowers are...

They are so lovely!!
 They remind me of happy children opening wide there arms and taking in all that life has to offer...

Sunshine...warmth.....just what we
 Look closely....nature is wearing it's finery. Delighting the senses and beckoning us on...
to explore further...Lets go!
 A garden walk is just what we needed to refresh our minds, body and soul...don't you agree!!
I think the Red Bud trees will be in full bloom
very soon!!! I think it's funny to call them Red Buds...when they are purple...oh well, pretty just the same!

Thank you for coming with me on my walk today....
Lets do this again very soon.....A cup of tea would be
really nice about now...don't you think so?

Blessings Always,



  1. Refreshing beautiful walk with you, Susan. Just what I needed ... some time with God & friends.

    Have a great week ~
    TTFN ~

    ~ GIVEAWAY ends 3/15 ~

  2. What a beautiful walk, Susan. I am so excited to see the things blooming and green! xo Diana

  3. Hello Susan
    Thank you for taking us around your garden. You have so many beautiful flowers to see and so many beautiful Spring days ahead of you that will fill your heart with joy!
    Love and hugs,

  4. I loved the work with you, Susan- so beautiful, dear.
    Here we are not at all that far with spring.

  5. Hi Susan,
    What beautiful flowers. And is that your home? How neat! I need to read more of your blog and get to know you better. Thanks for the nice walk. Enjoyed your post.

  6. Hi Susan,
    Oh what a beautiful walk! and since I haven't left the house in two weeks, this was a treat, my friend. So gorgeous!!!

  7. Oh, pretty -- we have yet to see any flowers here in Colorado, but we will have record breaking high temps today! I'm glad we're swap partners, Susan!

  8. Hello Susan!

    It is nice to meet you....

    That is such a beautiful blog!

    Come and have a peek at my blog if you'd like!

    Ciao bella

    Bella Bliss

  9. Beautiful flowers! Are those tulips? (the orange flowers?) What a vibrant color! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my interview with Cindy Adkins!
    Hugs, Cindy


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