A Peek at Something Special....and Lets Talk!!

Hi Dear Friends,

First I want to share with you a
little peek at something I am
making as a gift to someone!!

I am making it in all their favorite
colors...something I think they
will really love!! :)

So what have all of you been up to?
I have so many talented followers
out there. Some are painters, some
embroider, some love to collage
with fabrics, others collage with
papers. Jewelry makers, journal
There are so many mediums out
there in the art communities that
my head goes dizzy with so much
to look at. For instance Pinterest!
I "Pin" I like pinning...but after awhile
my head is spinning with so many
pictures...I must stop!! There are
all forms of addictions as we know
and I find I am becoming addicted
to looking at so much lately...ughh
I must resist the Force...hahaha
I do not want or need to keep
looking! So I'm going to pare
down my time spent...looking
at stuff and just relax..read
my Nook books which I have
about four novels open and
only partially read.....is this just
me??? Or do you do this too??

Please leave me a comment.....
I need to hear from you..ok??
I need to know I am not alone
in these things that overwhelm
me at times....Tell me what
overwhelms you and how you
cope with the onslaught of stuff
out there!!

Well tomorrow is another
day.....Ciao Bella!

Love to All and to All a Great Day!!



  1. I hear you! I don't even go to Pinterest because I don't want to get sucked in. I have been trying not to spend so much time online, reading blogs, and failing miserably. So if I miss an occasional post of yours, please forgive me!

  2. How beautiful this is Susan. I'm sure your friend will fall in love with it too. TFS. Hugs Rita xxxx

  3. I love pinterest, but now I've got so many pic of projects I want to do it is very overwhelming! I have a kindle, and I have a hard time finding free time to just sit and relax and actually read it. I guess its a balancing act...I will have to force myself to slow down, maybe make a list of priorities (I'm a list maker :)) I think everyone gets caught up sometimes..it's hard not to when there is so much cool stuff it look at!

  4. Yes, Susan I am one of those that quickly become addicted to anything fun! Having just started blogging, I am just trying to figure it all out while making a few interesting items! Can you tell me how bloggers get the individualized headers (other than the generic ones from Google?) Do I need to hire someone to help me? I enjoy reading what you have to say.

  5. Patty
    I do personalized custom headers, banners, avatars and business cards if you need something let me know and we can discuss details

  6. I can get lost on Pinterest. I look up and hours have passed and my head is full of ideas!

  7. Dear Susan,
    you are right, I also use far too much time blogging, maybe not as much on Pinterest, and I don`t Pin anything- can `t involve myself in that also, as I have to be in my shop at dayes, and in the evenings I write and read my dear friends posts- I prefer that from Pinning myself.But sometimes I visit my friends on Pinterest to see what they found! BUT only sometimes...

  8. This peek has left me wanting more...it looks so beautiful! I don't go on pininterest, partly because I know I'll get addicted...also like you say there is soooooooooo much to look at I get a little overwhelmed lol much love xx

  9. Beautiful work!! Your friend will love it!
    I agree that we might need to cut back and leave some time for book reading. I use to read a lot, then I got to blogging and pinning. well you know how it goes!
    Hugs, Maki

  10. Oh that looks so beautiful. it will be a very special gift for your friend. I do read lots and do read two or three books at once sometimes too lol.
    I love Pinterest too :)x
    Hugs June x

  11. Hi there Susan, It has been a while since I visited here, but I wanted to tell you about a sweet little swap I am hosting. If you go to my blog, you can find it on my sidebar, then click on that. You might enjoy it. I am really trying hard to not spend as much time on the computer, but I do love blogging and Pinterest! Come say hi if you have the time.

  12. I am having a Pillowcase Giveaway ! !
    Stop By before 3/10 & leave a comment...
    Have a Great Day!!

  13. Hi Susan-Yes, it can get overwhelming at time with all the "looking" and then not getting much done. I have to really set time limits for myself. Your little frame is very cute with the doily attached.

    Hope your bursitis gets better...there is nothing worse than being in lot tern pain. xo Diana

  14. Yes, I too need to take a break from the inspirations here online....and listen to my own creative voice.....!!!!!

    I see something that has my colours.....you funny girl you! I love it...it's my favourite thing! I have the sachet hanging here in my studio along with some other similar coloured items...and they look wonderful!

    thanks again....so very much! I am spoiled!



  15. Oh my goodness did you hit a note! Especially with pinterest! I intend to only spend a few minutes there, but it's like an all you can eat junk food buffet without any calories! Next thing I know 4 hrs are gone...And yes I have about 4 books open at the same time too *winks* I never used to be so easily distracted...But enough blah blah blah about me...I hope you have a fabulous time antiquing tomorrow and find all kinds of wonderful treasure for your booth...And you'll share it with us all *winks* Vanna/your newest follower


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