My "Sweet 200 Follower Give Away" is Ending Soon!!!

Hi Sweet Friends....

Just a little reminder that my
Give away is ending on the
20th. of February!!

If you have not signed up
for it yet please do!!!

Raining here to today and
so it is a nice day to create
something beautiful....and
have a cup of tea.

What are you doing today??

Whatever you have planned
for this day I wish you joy
and contentment.

Love and Blessings to All



  1. Rained here also but very mind for this time of year.... I am doing cleaning chores today and just placed on a kettle of vegetable soup starting from left over pot rpast... Enjoy your creating.... blessings

  2. Hello my sweet friend, we have plenty of rain here. Wanting some sun and warm weather so I can work in yard. Got the ok to start a exercise program. My new meds. are starting to kick in. I have a few more weeks off b/4 I am released to go back to work so I am trying to do some nesting in the home. Move things around and so some weeding out, you know how that goes. Enjoy your day! Love and Hugs Mary

  3. Love your giveaway and would love to enter (I think I posted at the original post). You have a beautiful inspiring blog! (I was already a follower). It's also raining here but I love it and we need it desperately because it fills up the drink water reserves for a long hot desert summer.

  4. We are having very nice weather for summer, the rain has gone, and we have lovely days, although a bit windy.

  5. Hi dear,- not much rain here-- only snow...I hope though ,that there will soon be plus grades, so we can see all that white stuff dissapear.
    Hope your week-end is filled wit beauty and happy moments.

  6. Congrats on your 220 Followers, thanks for following me and I'll be back for a visit. By the way I do love the Jane A. Post. Hugs marilou


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