Hand made Treasures from the Past and Gifts of the Present....

Happy 2012 Everyone!!

I thought I would share
some pictures with you
today of a few items which
I have purchased and have

The little dress here is going to my newest
grand daughter. Amy is three months old now.
Babies grow so very quickly don't they? I am saving
this little dress for her so when she is a bit bigger
I will give this to her. I bought the dress at the
Country Living Fair at Stone Mountain this past
September. I just fell in love with it!! I think you
will probably agree that it is adorable!!

This is one of the tables in my craft room
where I lay out my cloth, laces, buttons
and make something magical!
I have just completed an ATC for the
Blissful ATC swap.
Our theme for January is "Jane Austen"!! 
There is something comforting about old crochet
pieces that I love. Last year I came across a bag
full of pieces of discarded tatting and fine crochet
bits. Some were not finished...but the expertise of
workmanship was obvious. I wonder who she was
and what her life was like...Do you ever wonder too when you find these lovely pieces of art, that were so painstakingly created, who made them and where they were made? Buying things in Antique shops I realize they have come from all over the country. It amazes me and humbles me. I am grateful to be the
owner of such beauty and I do treasure these tid bits
of history and honor the loving hands that made them.

Beauty is found in the hand made
items of the past....for they speak of
loving hands that once were here...
I found this sweet hat box also at the Country Living Fair last year. I love the way the top is covered from the piece of a vintage crazy quilt!! The rest of the  hat box is covered with burlap...Look at the antique glass buttons..are they not lovely??

These lovely earrings are from my friend Cindy Adkins.
Cindy who is a writer wrote the book "Angels at My Door".
You may purchase her E-book on Amazon. I even have
a story in it too!!  Thank you dear Cindy for this precious
gift of friendship!

Here is my sweet Little Miss Daisy.....The beautiful
Crochet item is made by my dear friend Marilyn.
Marilyn makes beautiful cards and also crochets beautiful prayer shawls. Marilyn made this lovely
cream and pink prayer shawl for me!! Thank you
sweet friend!

Wishing You All a Wonderful 2012!

Love and Blessings,

Susan and Miss Daisy xxoo


  1. Oh, my! That dress is awesome! You have lots of pretty creative decorations to work with ...
    Have a fabulous weekend.
    TTFN ~

  2. Beautiful treasures...each and every one of them. I agree about the handmade love put into stitches from long ago. And now we do the very same thing by being creative and making gifts for our loved ones. Blissful and Creative 2012...

  3. Lots of lovelies here. That dress is so sweet, your GD will be adorable in it! You have been busy.

  4. Oh dear what a wonderful post you are showing so many beautiful treasures dear, the little dress, so sweet, and all these doilies, love it all, also little Miss Daisy, she is so cute.
    Hugs Anni

  5. I'm in awe of the wonderful pieces someone has created too and find it hard to understand how anyone could toss them in the 'rag bag'.

    Then we come along, appreciate their beauty and bring new life to them - ahh the circle of life!!

    Wishing you all the New Year Blessings you're dreaming of Susan - and much much more!
    Live, laugh, love and "be happy" in 2012!
    Shane xo

  6. it is all so pretty Susan...Is Daisy a persian? she is awfully pretty too.

  7. Dear Susan,
    what a wonderful collection of beautiful old handmade pieces. I collect,too- and love having those things in my hands and near for my eyes to see, some will be used,in creations-and some will stay with me, just for their beauty.
    The little dress is so cute ,she will LOVE it later.
    And sweet little Daisy--do you know that our queen Margrethe ,was called Daisy by her father- and that she therefore has the flower Daisy as a favorite.Today it is exatly 40 years since he died, and she took over the throne,so there is big rememberings and parties in Denmark, in the royal family- this week-end, all ofcourse transmitted in TV.Thought it was fun for you to know, with your family`s background :)
    Hugs and love, Dorthe

  8. Hi Susan, Seems like every time I decide to visit your blog, which isn't often enough you have added a new grandchild. Little Amy Catherine is beautiful. We now have 18 grandchildren and i just completed a wall with all of their pictures. I can't stop looking at that wall and neither can my husband. We keep finding each other at the wall. Looks as though you have done many beautiful projects and have loads of fun with you family and grandchildren. Sure hope you have a wonderful Year ahead!

  9. LOVE that sweet hat box pin cushion!!

    congratulations on your sweet prizes too. =)
    barbara jean

  10. Hello Susan~what lovely treasures. I cherish the crocheted items my sweet MIL left to me.
    She loved to sew, knit and crochet. I was always mesmerized watching her hands work those needles so quickly and at times she wouldn't even have to look at the piece she was creating. She'd done it for so many years she just had a feel for it. Wouldn't you love to know the stories of all the needlework treasures we've stumbled upon over the years.

    Sweet wishes,


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