My New Adventure.......An Antiques Mall Booth!!!

Dearest Friends,

I am so very excited to share
with All of you a very big step
for me.  I am co-owner of a
booth in an Antique Mall. My
lovely friend JoAnn and I are
partners in this adventure.
JoAnn and I actually met here
one day. My husband and I 
love to go antiquing and looking
for treasures. I am always looking for
items to enhance things that I make.
JoAnn and I had become friends and
would visit each other and have craft
sessions together.We would bounce
off ideas to one another and the more
we did the more we came to the
conclusion that two heads in business
was much better than one!!

I made this to represent JoAnn and I in
our new adventure together....

Some cute hair pins and Bookmarks...

JoAnn loves to search for antique furniture
and I love to make things.....

I found some beautiful paper weights...and this is one of them!! 
I made this cute Cake plate stand
as well!

 I added the ribbon to this cake stand.....
                                                The cupcake is a piece of soap....too cute!!  

Some children's items too.

I made some cute Bookmarks too!!

Hope you have enjoyed the tour of my new adventure.
I would appreciate your support and is a bit
scary....but, it is so much funas well!!

There is so much more we want to do so I will keep you

Till then....

Love and Blessings to All,



  1. wow..that's exciting!! it looks beautiful...very best wishes to you both!

  2. Congrats on your new business, my friend. May your pockets jingle!

    Have a lovely day ~
    TTFN ~

  3. Congratulations dear friend- with this new adventure.How wonderful to do it with your friend JoAnn, Susan- I wish you both big succes, and many happy hours.

  4. OH MY GOSH, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!! I am in the midst of a book and not visiting blogs today, but I HAD to come over!!! This is SOOO exciting and I adore everything you made--It's going to fly off the table, the shelves, and the walls!!! Woo hoo! Your dear father was right--I wish he'd tell you what he sees for me..Pay attention to your dreams--I need to know!
    Love you, girl,

  5. I wish you all the luck with this.
    I tried doing this last year but it didn't work for my friend and me. It was mostly due to the owner of the Mall. Turned out to be a big waste of time and loss with thefts.
    I will say a prayer for you to succeed my friend.
    Congratulations, it all looks so inviting !

  6. What an exciting new start in an area you love! Best of luck for much success in your new venture and happiness along the way!

  7. Hello Susan,

    I'm your newest follower and enjoyed looking around your blog. I wish you the best with your new store. I did this for a while and just had the best time ever. Wish I had someone to do it with once again, as it was fun, exciting!

    Many blessings,

  8. Thanks for your visit...I am following you now as well....My daughter and I have had a booth together in an Antique Mall in the past...but, longer. I also loved the story of your mama and her Patsy sweet of you to buy it for her....I am looking forward to visiting you more....blessings

    1. Hi Susan, Oh you and Joann are just going to have the bestest time ever! I'm so proud for you and wish you both the very best. I think your booth will be a big success as you do such lovely work and y'all have found the most charming items. Congrats. XXX

  9. Hi Susan,
    I just wanted to pop over and say "hi!"

  10. Beautiful images Susan. I absolutely believe that this is a perfect business choice for you. The perfect outlet for your creations- a business adventure that is fairly low risk-- it's YOU. You are going to love every minute of this. I'm just so proud of you!!

  11. Hi Susan
    I can't believe I did not know about your new adventure. Your going to love doing this. I had one years ago with my hubby helping me and we both enjoyed it or at least I know I did. lol
    Your pieces are lovely and you will do great.
    Lets talk soon.

  12. Hi Susan - Congrats on getting an antique mall booth! That is so exciting! It's like having a little retail shoppe, but without having to work the retail hours!

    I just signed up for a new booth at the brand new Brass Armadillo in Goodyear. I will still keep my current booth at the Phoenix Brass Armadillo. Dealers can start moving in next Friday! It opens March 1st! Super excited!

    You're going to do great with your new booth - cute stuff! xo

    -pamela :)

  13. your booth looks gorgeous and i'd love to visit! something i'd like to do. very best wishes in your new venture!


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