"Creative Carmelina's Flash Giveaway!!"

Hello Everyone!!

Happy Monday to you All!!!!

I was soooo excited to be the
winner of Carmelina's beautiful
"Flash Giveaway" last week!!
Carmelina asked us to comment
as many times as we liked to
increase our chances of winning.
Ha ha well I did.....ahh but it was
so worth it!
Look at the beautiful items
Carmelina made for the winner!!

You must take a moment and visit
Carmelina and her gorgeous Blog if
have not already!!

Carmelina is a lovely and extremely talented

Once I have 200 Followers I will
post my newest Giveaway!!!!

Love to All and Blessings always,



  1. Congratulations Susan. Your gifts are lovely. I can see you are very close to your 200th follower. Happy Heart Hugs...

  2. Oh Susan....you flatter me so!
    Thanks for the mention..and I do hope you like your humble offering when it comes to you! really it was fun to put together...and I do hope you'll enjoy it! Let me know when it arrives!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  3. Such sweet gifts, deaR Susan, and isen`t it wonderful to recieve little packets from blogging friends-

  4. Well you are one lucky lady. I love what you won from Carmelina. Love her name too. lol
    Girlfriend how come we have not kept up with each other. I have missed you. Everyday for two weeks I have wanted to talk to you.
    Since coming home I have felt like the wind has been let out of my sails but feeling better tonight. I kept looking at the map of Georgia trying to figure out how far you were from us and if I could get her to leave the campaign trail long enough to visit you but it did not take me long to figure out that was not going to happen. lol
    Hopefully we can talk soon. I miss you and can't wait to here all your news

  5. Congrats on winning some beautiful items! Feels so good to win something nice, hope it made your day :)

  6. Good morning sweet Susan- congrats on your beautiful treasures-- just perfect for you! I'm cheering you on towards that 200 follower mark!! Almost there-- yea! Well deserved---
    Love you-

  7. Lucky you! Lovely atc's you're making & those lacy bits were wonderful finds

  8. Thought l'd pop over for some of that ice cold Strawberry lemonade..haha,l noticed that l just became your 200th follower...fantastic. Also congrats on winning the giveaway from creative carmelina....how exciting. Have a wonderful rest of your week.

  9. Oh wow, congratulations, Susan!!! How beautiful!!!


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