Christmas Time and Miss Daisy

Hi Dear Friends,

I don't know about you but this
Christmas my energy level is so low.
I have been trying to get things
accomplished but I seem to go in
slow motion.

Miss Daisy my little Persian kitty
looks like she is a bit many things
twinkling, and blinking!! She is such a sweetie
and loves to sit under the Christmas tree..I think
she thinks it's her newest toy!!!! :)

I am working on some cute little
Yoyo pins with my ribbon roses
and a touch of lace. There is a
little crystal in the center of the rose.
When completed will be mailed out
to a dear family member.  
                                                         Peaceful Christmas Wishes



  1. Goodevening my dear friend, I have been sick for almost 3 weeks, it appears I have Pneumonia, and one cracked rib from coughing so much, so Christmas is going a little slower than I want it to. My hubby has mailed out a few gifts yesterday so be on the look outfor one comming your way. Take care my dear friend and enjoy your Holidays, Hugs Mary


  2. Wishing you a Joyous Christmastime! Hoping you feel more energized soon.

  3. Dearest Susan,
    me ,too- I`m even not finished decorating my home,yet-and also have gifts to finish and send out--so I already know, that they will not arrive for christmas-but only for new-year!!!
    Your yo-yo is so lovely and sweet.

  4. Aaahhh! me too!!! I am finally taking a day off this week just to do my Christmas shopping for the first time. Oh Susan!!! How terrible of me. I never mailed you the print of the tree and the dragonflies. I have to find that or print you a new one. Oh my goodness. Please eccept my apologies. I will send it for sure. Now I don't even know if I have your address. Ah I will make it up to you. So sorry. How awful of me!!! Tsup!

  5. Hi sweet Susan,
    Sending you heaps of energy and Christmas Blessings - time to rest and recuperate - you have had a busy year.
    I just love your little YoYo brooche.
    Love and hugs,

  6. Susan- we all just seem to run around like crazy people this time of year. I seemed to start out behind and have stayed that way- sadly! I'm so behind on my blog posting!!

    Your new ribbon flowers are incredible- what a wonderful and beautiful gift! I say make a dozen and give one to all your friends!

    Merry Christmas dear Susan-

  7. Hi Susan,
    Merry Christmas !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I love the pin and I now I know I was right about your kitty....I love the picture with santa claus too....I dont have any...I probably was afraid to sit on his lap. I remember going to the JC Penneys and seeing him but not on his lap.

  9. Oh, Susan, I have always wanted to have time to do this!!!!! WISHING YOU MUCH SUCCESS AND FUN, FUN, FUN!!!!!

    Hugs, Diane


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