Meet My New Grand daughter!! Miss Amy Catherine

Hello Dear Friends!!

With much anticipation and
delight I announce the birth
of my newest little granddaughter
        "Amy Catherine"

Amy was born today at 11:40 AM
 She was 7lbs, and 20 in long.

We are planning a trip up to New Jersey
soon to see the family!!   So many more
pictures will be taken then!!

                                                                                                                                                         This is my lovely Daughter-in-law
Kristin and her beautiful daughter Piper!                            
My son Eddie has blue eye's
too so little Amy no doubt
will have blue eye's as well!

Love to All,
Grandma Susan :)


  1. Oh Susan!! This is wonderful! Congratulations to you, and may God bless this beautiful baby girl, and all your family on this very happy day!! ((big hugs)) ~tina

  2. Susan honey she is adorable. I am so very happy for you and family. Eddie is probably walking on cloud nine as I know by your voice today that you are as well.
    Isn't it wonderful that we can receive and share precious pictures so fast. What a beautiful little girl and as I mentioned earlier I love her name too.
    Take care dear friend

  3. Oh my gosh--congratulations!!! This is amazing news--and a special blessing. Both of the girls are so beautiful!!! If you have a chance, I'd love to hear your angel story--You would faint if you could see my in-box--the stories are amazing! xo Cin

  4. Congratulations!! what a beautiful baby x

  5. what a precious gift, welcome to the world little one!

  6. Happy event! Congratulations. I'll bet you will be keeping busy creating lovely gifts for the new little one and your DIL, and for your son too! I'm happy for you all.

  7. Congratulations to you all. What lovely family
    moments to share with you Susan. The phots are beautiful. Hugs Rita xxxxx

  8. So precious!
    (My first grandchild, a little girl, Jewel, was born three weeks ago.)
    What a joyous time!
    I'm NannieSue

  9. I sent your story last night--I hope it got to you!!!

  10. Congratulations dear Susan- what a lovely, and sweet looking little family.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  11. She is just beautiful...warmest congratulations to you and your family. Can't wait to see more pictures. ; )

  12. Congratulations on the new granddaughter. She is lovely

    Thanks for commenting on my rag quilt. Good luck on finishing yours.

  13. Awwwww Grandma Susan, congratulations Amy Catherine is adorable, is making me all broody (eek no - must get painting to distract me lol), , thanks for sharing pictures of your newest member, much love Jennibellie x

  14. Oh Susan- she is here- finally after such a long wait--- she is both beautiful and precious. I am so happy for you and your family. Little Amy will melt your heart and bring you such immeasurable joy. You will mark a path between Atlanta and New Jersey!! I can hardly wait to follow along with all of your Grandma stories---
    Her big sister is adorable too!

  15. Beautiful little Amy Catherine and If she were my granddaughter, I would put both names together to call her. I love the sound of the old fashioned no nonsense names. Our newest as you know will be Rose Meredith and I think her mommy will call her Rose but to me she will always be Rose Meredith. You have a precious little angel there.


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