Miss Daisy wanted to say a Big Meowww to Y'All!!! :))

Hi Everyone!!

Geez I have been missing All of you
so much!!!!

I have been a busy Bee in my craft
studio making things for my up and
coming Etsy shop. I am having a good
time but really tired too!!

Miss Daisy the retired show girl has
been my companion..wherever I go...she goes...
Until this week......I found her here....in my bathroom...........................and then..........

Here...OMG...I was going to do some wash and turned the light on and much to my surprise
                             here she is sitting in the washer........I just had to stand there in surprise.....then
                                             I told her....STAY THERE....so I ran to get the camera...to take this shot!

                                                   Daisy is quite a little gal...full of surprises!!!

Well my friends please drop me a line
and let me know how you ALL are ok???

Missing you all very much!!!

Love and God Bless you ALL!!

Susan and Miss Daisy....:) :)



  1. What a cute companion you have! I hope you will always check before you put your laundry into the washer or dryer. Wouldn't you hate to wash or dry her. Good to hear from you. And Miss Daisy.

  2. Oh Susan I hope you took her out before you started the machine (I smile, because I know you did) fantastic shot dear.
    Hugs Anni

  3. OH my goodness thank goodness you turned on the light. lol My son Chad actually turned on the dryer with one of his cats inside but thank goodness the thud got his attention and no harm done. hahaha
    I miss you too and sounds like you are really getting a lot done.
    I have been so busy with my house in town that I go to bed early every night. Boy am I feeling my age.
    Hopefully we can visit soon.
    Hope you are feeling okay and you are not having any problems there

  4. So glad you didn't give that cutie a spin. Thanks for visiting me, and for the compliment.

  5. Hello Susan
    Just had to come by and tell you thank you for listening to me yesterday. I always enjoy our visits.
    I changed my mind about using those guys to do my house. The more I thought of it I knew I should not do it. So today back over there painting and painting but I got a lot done. lol Of course who knows if I can move in the morning.
    Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend
    Thanks for coming by tonight I am on my way to bed. Hopefully I can finish the dream
    Love ya

  6. Hey Susan, Great finds. I say paint the birdhouse white and re-do the clipboard with the vintage photos and when I saw Miss Daisy in the washer, I had flashbacks of the time when Lori's cat got in the dryer and her daughter Erika threw clothes in and did a load to dry....needless to say the outcome was horrific. You inspired me with the clipboard. Have a happy weekend. XXXXXMollye

  7. Miss Daisy is so beautiful-- she looks like she would be so much fun- I think she has a great little personality. Love all the pictures!


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