I'm Having a Birthday and 200th+Post Giveway....So Let's Party!!!!!

Hi Dear Friends,

Are You ready to Party??

My Birthday is this coming
Monday the August 8th. and along
with my Birthday Celebration
I wanted to celebrate my 214th
posts with all of You as well!!!

I wanted to "Thank All of You"
for following me and becoming
such Wonderful Friends to me.
All of you are so talented and
such sweethearts that I wanted
to give something back to You!.

Ha ha I just noticed...the thin black
thing to the left of the picture is my
sunglasses...sorry...it's too hot to go
back outside to take the pictures
over again...hope you will forgive

So I am giving you two lovely little
pictures that I actually bought last
year for one of my Giveaway's
and always forgot them ...sooo
here they are and they are soooo
sweet for your bedroom or bathroom,
well I'm sure you will find a great
place for them!!!

I have also made for you a Sweet Rose
necklace...can you see it hanging
to the left on the picture.....it sooo
sweet, like You are to me!!!

Then I am giving you a Vintage
Perfume bottle that I filled
with white and lavender pearls,
so romantic...this little bottle will
look lovely on a windowsill or
on a mirror tray on your vanity or

I also made you a sweet smelling
lavendar sachet with a sweet little
rose, all tied up with lace....This fabric
is one of my favorites with the
postcards and pansys on it!!

I am also giving you a vintage
pink and green crochet doily...This is
a lovely one!

And...no Birthday is complete
without a SURPRISE...Right??
So You  will get something else from
me too.....but.......
You will have to open it
to find out what it is...OK??

So the rules are.... As long as you are
a Follower or become one and leave
me a comment, you will be
entered in my Giveaway!!

My Giveaway will end on August 24th
at midnight EST.

Good Luck to All of You!!!!

Love and Blessing to You All,



  1. Hope you have a wonderful day.
    I'm a follower

  2. Oh Susan - Happy Birthday (early) my friend! I just had a birthday too - July 29. So - we are birthday sisters of sorts!

    A huge congrats on your 214 successful and wouderful posts! That is a huge blogging feat my friend! I usually post twice a month - so its going to take me a pretty long while to catch up with your record!

    You are so gracious to host this give away - you are going to have a ton of entries!

    So many people love you Susan - it is no wonder~~


  3. Susan, have a very wonderful birthday! May it be filled with much love and happiness! Your giveaway is very lovely. I fell in love with all of the items the moment I saw them in your post. Many of the items would look absolutely beautiful used in my master bedroom. Thank you for the opportunity to be entered in your beautiful giveaway.

  4. I'm a follower!! What a sweet gift package you have put together..I hope I win it..;j

  5. Hello dear friend
    this is charming!
    you're a lovely person and very friendly.
    I hope you have a wonderful day
    gifts are beautiful!
    I am a long time follower
    the day of your birthday is very special

  6. Happy Birthday Wishes! Hope your Special Day is filled with everthing you love.

  7. Sign me up and Congratulations on over 200 posts and Happy Birthday !

  8. Hi Susan, I didn;t know your birthday was so soon or I would have sent you a little pressie. I sure hope your BD Bash is wonderful and over the moon happy! Love you sister, Mollye

  9. HAPPY Birthday to YOU! I am a very happy follower of your beautiful site so count me in on the beautiful giveaway
    Hope your day is very special

  10. Hi Susan,
    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I am popping over from Maggie's place to wish you a very happy birthday and a great new week. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  12. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Susan - glad that you can't hear me sing for you I sing pretty bad, I hope you must have a fantastic day with your family dear friend, please count me in your giveaway.
    Hugs and love Anni

  13. Hi! I just came over from Maggies! Even without your cute giveaway I would be happy to follow along! I love meeting new peopl in blogland...so many new friends with interesting life stories :)

    What pretty goodies! Hope you have a Happy Birthday today! Hope you are showered with love today!!!

  14. Happy Birthday, Susan! Hope you are having a wonderful day and doing something special and fun. Please put my name in the hat for your give away. Very generous gifts.

  15. Grandmayellowhair sent me along to check out your beautiful blog. I am so glad she did and I have ! what a talented lady you are you woudl sure put me to shame...
    Today is your birthday so I am sending good wishes your way from over here in the UK.
    with love from Sybil x

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a wonderful day and congratulations on the 200 posts - I'm yet to even do 20 lol I'll get on it when I'm feeling fully better though, I'm improving gradually thank you for asking via your message and hoping you are too & having fun with your journal. Much love, Jenny x

  17. Feliz cumpleaños!!!
    muchas felicidades en tu dia!!
    que se cumplan todos tus deseos

  18. Congratulations to you on this special day, my best wishes to you

  19. Hi Susan Sweetie...
    Happy Birthday on your special day today. I found you on Maggies blog and had to pop over and meet you. I am so thrilled that I did. What a beautiful blog home you have. I have so enjoyed my visit.

    Congratulations on your 200 posts and what a beautiful gift of love you have put together in celebration. I am your newest follower. I can't wait to see what you share next. I would be so honored if you stopped over to say hello and signed up to follow me as well.

    Many country hugs from Phoenix sweetie, Sherry

  20. Dearest Susan, happy belated birthday-
    I just returned home from the wedding vacation-so I have only seen it now. I hope your day was a happy and lovely one.
    And please count me in your beautiful give away,-how beautiful is the necklace and olf bottle-the pictures-and everything else.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  21. Thanks for the lovely comment you left on my blog. Happy Birthday!! Have a wonderful day x

  22. Hi Sweetie...
    I just wanted to pop over and invite you to this week's Miracle Weekend makeover. I am one of the hosting sites. For every comment left, Guideposts magazine will pay a dollar, to the next cancer makeover patient. Please stop by and read the story about 9 year old Charlie, and bless me with a comment. Out goal between the 4 or 5 blogs is 5,000. I know we can do it. I would appreciate it, if you pass the word around to as many friends as possible.

    Thank you sweetie for a wonderful post. I love it. Have a glorious weekend. Country hugs from Phoenix, Sherry

  23. Thank-you for the visit. Congratulations on the upcoming new grandbaby. I hope to see you Atlanta!

  24. Hello my dear friend, please add me to your wonderful give away, I am working on a special gift for you. Hugs Mary

  25. Happy belated birthday--you share the same date as my dear mother-in-law! I have a follower for some time and enjoy your blog very much. Please add me to your giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  26. I'm so happy to see so many wonderful wishes for your birthday. I hope you had a fun filled day. Hope your mom continues to heal and that you are taking care of you too!

  27. Hi Susan, I am a happy follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway. I have looked over all your very lovely projects and am drooling big time!


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