Hey....You're looking mighty cute! Wanna go get a Hamburger?

Hi Sweeties!!

Here is the newest picture of little
Miss Daisy! She loves to look at
herself in the mirror. Daisy use to
box with the kitty in the mirror
but these days she just sits there
and looks at herself for a bit.
Oh and yes Miss Daisy eats

My family lives up in New Jersey
and I am praying that they and everyone
else will heed the warnings and keep safe!
My oldest son and friends were going for
a week to the Jersey shore and had been planning
this trip for months. Well mother nature has
other plans in mind so not much to do about

Please join me in prayer for everyone on the
eastern seaboard that all will be safe with them and that
Irene will dissipate and if there has to be damage
that it will be minimal.

Love and Blessings to All



  1. Susan- she is really darling-not boxing anymore, means she is growing older, :)
    Yes I will also be praying that Irene will be not that strong, as to make huge damages-
    and that everyone will stay safe.

  2. OMG, she is so cute. My kitty, Gizzy loves to look at herself in the mirror too! LOL!

    We are experiencing Irene as I type this. Which is why is so early! I couldn't sleep for the howling winds and things that go bump in the night. So far, it's just a mess of tree limbs and pinecones, but nevertheless, very frightening. I pray that Irene goes gently on the northeast.


  3. Hi Susan! Your little Daisy is so adorable!! I love that little face and she is a calico like my Bella;)
    Yes praying for all of those in the path of Irene that they will heed the warnings.
    Loved talking to you the other evening, sweet friend. Hope your mom is feeling better.
    ♥ Lynn


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