Wishing America a Happy Fourth Of July!!!!

Happy Independence Day to All!!!

May Gods Blessings abide with us All!!

Photo curtesy of  "Pinterest"


  1. Dear Susan,your sandwich looks very tasty-and beautiful ,happy 4 of july ,sweet freind.
    Hugs Dorthe

  2. Gosh Susan been thinking of you so much my friend. I hope you are well and that your enjoying this holiday weekend.
    It is so hot here today that I have been lazy and trying to catch up with blogging too.
    I work tomorrow but I guess its good I still have a job to go to.
    Hope we can visit soon
    Love ya

  3. Happy Fourth To You Sweet Friend! Just Wanted To Pop Over And Let You Know You Were In My Thoughts. Sending You Some Love & Sunshine, Terri

  4. Now that's an awesome patriotic breakfast. Makes me want to try it myself. Thanks for sharing:)

  5. Hi Susan, You have to get in on my latest giveaway and I am even hosting a swap in honor of my 200th post and my new blog look. Come say hi and check it out my friend!


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