My Artful Gathering Book Pages...So far!!

Hello Dear Friends!!

Hope all of you are enjoying your
summer dispite the very hot temps
and drought, and fires...geez it's
been quite a summer huh??

What have I been up to you may ask??

Well I joined The Artfull Gathering
online classes for 6 weeks and I
joined Nancy Maxwell's class.
We are to construct a book
with 5x7 canvas boards and
also a keepsake box to decorate
that will hold the book we are making.
I decided to make my book into
a Heritage book with pictures
of my Grt. grandparents from
Germany, Scotland and Ireland.
I am designing a two page spread
for each family.

The first page is of my Grt. Grand
mother Johanna circa 1881. The original
picture was both her Johanna and Charles
in the same picture with Johanna's right
arm leaning on Charles' left shoulder.
I copied them onto matte photo
paper, used some pencil crayons
to give them some color, as well
as their background. From their
shoulders to their heads I put
some dimensional foam backing
behind them so they are raised up from the
paper, this has given them a very realistic

The next two pictures are dedicated to my
Grt. Grandfather Peter who was born in Scotland
in 1850. The page on the left is the farm he
grew up on in Scotland. The page you see below
is a picture of Peter years later when he had already
retired from the Lumber and Woodworking Co.
that he was vice president for.
He came from very humble beginings to achieving
success in his life.

I am now starting on the Irish side of my
family, which I will post here soon.

I love the class I am taking and meeting
new friends as well.

What have All of You been up
to this summer??

Love You All and Blessing be with You,



  1. Hi dear Susan, your spreads are so very beautiful, and I love you used the soft blue in the one with your Grt.grandmother-that one is so romantic,and very ,very lovely.
    I`m looking forward seing the next ones you do, and wishes you lots of fun, in dear Nancy`s class.

  2. Dear Susan your pages are so beautifully made, great idea to use family photos, your book will be filled with memories.
    Hugs Anni

  3. These are wonderful! I so love the vintage appeal....nostalgic bliss!

    And congratulations on your victorian shoppe! I did not know you could open a shop on Facebook. I just might have to check it out!

    thanks for visiting. I love the avatar you're using now....pretty smiles!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  4. Susan honey your book is so amazing.. I am in awe of how you thought of this and it is turning out beautiful
    Can't wait to see all of it when your finished.
    Miss talking to you. Hopefully we can chat soon

  5. You have done a marvellous jobe with this lovely keepsake book. Congratulations and thanks for sharing

  6. Your book pages looks wonderful Susan - what a great idea to make it into a heritage book. Can´t wait to see the finished result with the box too.
    Have a beautiful day
    xo Tina

  7. Absolutely incredible - I am amazed at this idea - and your creation~~

  8. Stunning Work! Very Creative & I really love it all! Hugs,Tee


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