Please Welcome Little Miss "Daisy" ......A New Member of the Family!!!!

Hi Dear Friends,

Guess what???

I have a brand new kitty!!!!!

Last night my husband and I
took a drive to see a lady
about a kitty!!
Dottie raises "Persian"
kitties and has 6 in her home.
Dottie needed to let go of
two of her
was Amber and one was Daisy!
We had seen Amber's photo on
Craigs List and thought she was
the cats meow. Dottie had
raised Amber and Daisy...they are
2 1/2 year old sisters. They
were both in a pen in the livingroom
when we arrived so we could visit
with them. Well Daisy and I hit it off from
the start and I fell for this cute
little ball of fur real hard!

This morning Daisy and I
were playing and so I wanted
to take some pictures to show
you this little cutie pie.

I still miss my Sam so much
he will always live in my
I think Sam would have approved
of little Miss Daisy...don't you
think so too??

Love to you All,

Susan and Daisy!


  1. Daisy is soo cute! What a bundle of furry fun!

  2. Susan, she is special, and so sweet, what a little buntle of joy and fun-I so wish you all kind of happines with her.
    Have a lovely tour, dear.

  3. Yes I think he would have approved.. Oh my the kitty is so cute... Enjoy...

  4. Oh Susan! Daisy is so precious!! I am so happy to hear you have a new little kitty! I have been worried about you. Losing a pet is so heartbreaking and I know little Sam will always be in your heart. Miss Daisy looks like she is adjusting so well...awww waht a sweet pea!!

    Love you!

  5. She is so sweet! I would fall in love with her too. I'm so glad that she is in your home with you. Perfect match!!


  6. She is gorgeous! A calico?! wow, I am happy for you. I think it is a good idea to get a new pet after a loss such as you suffered. I hope Daisy turns out to be a blessing for you and your family. Sam would definitely approve!

  7. Little Miss Daisy is Precious!
    Glad she got you. Hugs,Tee

  8. Ah Susan I am so happy for you and sweet Daisy. She is just so darn cute. I love these pictures.
    I know you miss Sam but he certainly would approve of this match for you
    Love ya

  9. Oh Susan- sweet Daisy is so perfect for you!! She will keep your heart happy and help you with your loss of your precious Sam. She is a calico!! My favorite kitty at our house is a calico- I'm so happy for you!!

  10. Not only do I love your new Kitty...but also your blue and white collection. I have one as well...more like several!!

    My daughter has had several cuddly. ENJOY



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