Pictures of my visit with Family in New Jersey

 Hello Dear Friends,

Wanted to share with you all
some pictures of my family
in New Jersey.

This is my wonderful grandson
John. He is in first grade and will
turn 7 in July. He is a wonderful fun
loving little boy and very sweet.
He was picking flowers for me
in his front yard. When he was a little
guy he once picked a Buttercup for me
and I still have it.

This is John's brother Kaden my second grandson!!
Kaden will be 5 in July. He is so beautiful and sweet.
I wanted to just scoop him up and hug him all the time!!

Here we are playing in the playground next to their house.

Resting in the shade together!!

Whoo Hoo I hit a ball that Kaden had thrown to me!! 
Here I am with Andy and Dana and Me with my other son Ed on the left. We had breakfast together one morning!

John and Kaden teaching Grandma some very important moves with their Wii game!!
Dinner I made last night I was there. Ed and his fiance' Kristin and her little girl Piper on the left.
Friends Nicole and Brian top of picture and my son Andy and his girlfriend Dana on the right!

I had the greatest time and being there with everyone made me miss them even more if thats

Hot here in Atlanta today.

Whats new with All of you?? I have to go visit you All and see whats new!!

Love and God Bless



  1. Thanks for your sweet comment. I am thrilled for you to get to spend time with family. I had lots of family here for the long weekend. Family is just the best!

  2. So glad you finally got to visit with your boys. It looks as though you had a wonderful time. wish your husband could have gone too. How is the new kitty?

    Your son's are very handsome!

  3. Susan have wanted to call you and see how your visit went but have been so sick I have not called you.
    I hope soon we can talk.
    Love these pictures and so glad you had such a good time. I can tell how much you miss them already.
    I have to go to Austin tomorrow to the dentist long story...but we will talk soon.
    Love you

  4. What a lovely photo!! I am glad you had a great time. Hugs my friend. Mary

  5. Dearest Susan, what sweet photoes, I`m so happy for you, you had a wonderful time with your family, and their kids-
    I know what you mean,with missing everyone more, after having just been with loved ones !

  6. Susan- your grandsons are adorable! You must have had a wonderful time on your visit. They sure seemed to enjoy having you there too . You have a beautiful family- your children look just like you! This was a special treat to be able to see your family photos. Thank you so much for sharing.


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