A new "Victorian Day Bag" for the Shop.....and other Tid Bits!

 Hello Dear Friends,

I feel like this is Deja vu.
I posted this yesterday and for
some they saw it and for others
it never showed up nor did it
show up in my completed Blog
list so I am doing this again today.

I am still tweaking this cute
tapestry bag...I think I will put
some vintage buttons along
the top of the fringe embellishment.
What do you think??

I have been busy with my oldest son
deciding when I should fly up to
 New Jersey and finally we have
a date so next Saturday I will be
flying out to see my sons and grand
children. YAY!! It's about time right?
I have been trying to get up there since last

Well I'm exhausted from the day...not                                  
feeling too well at the moment.

Wishing you All Love and a
wonderful weekend too!!



This Peony is just Gorgeous!!!

A sweet Rose Cuff for the shop as well!
Not a very good picture though....


  1. Susan- that vintage inspired bag is truly lovely and I love the idea of buttons along the edge! ( I don't think the blogging problem is your fault- blogger had an issue these past few days!)

    I wish you wonderful travels- we better get to see some grandchildren photos when you return!

  2. Hi sweet, I tryed to comment on this first time-but.....
    it is a beautiful bag- and I also love the button-idea, Susan.
    I`m so happy for you, you are able to travel to see sons-and grandkids-you so deserved that, sweet friend.
    Your rosecuff, looks so sweet and lovely.

  3. Oh my word!.. I wasn't aware you made purses like the ones I'm seeing here today! They're beautiful!.. oh, and I'm feeling weak in the knees already! LOL! I'm going to have to check your shop out! LOVE the tres chic bag, and am loving that tea time one too!!! ~tina

  4. Dear sweet Susan, the bag is absolutely stunning. I love it ~ and if you want buttons then you shall have buttons. :)) I am so happy your items will be going in the shop and the cuff is to 'die for'. So Victorian and so very beautiful. Yes, post some photos of your grandchildren and sons ~ when you return. Hope you feel better real son. Love and hugs, Marilyn


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