Please Say Some Prayers For My Mom.....and a free Image for you :)

Hi Dear Friends,

I just wanted to tell you that
my Mom took a fall last night
in her bedroom. She is alright
but pretty sore. No bones broken
but at 91 yrs. old it is a shock
to the system. The extra strength
Tylenol and rest and TLC is helping
quite a bit. She is walking better now
this afternoon than this A.M.

I believe in the power of prayer
and I ask you All to say a prayer
that she will heal and recover very soon.

I had this picture in my stash from
Dover so please download it
if you would like to
as it is copyright free!

I wish you all the best with my Love,



  1. A Prayer for your mom a full recovery soon. Hugs, Tee

  2. Hi Susan.. Sorry to hear about your Mom's accident. Prayers are on the way, and I do hope she's feeling better soon. ~tina

  3. Oh dear, of course prayers for her complete recovery and feeling ever so much better.

  4. Hi dear Susan-
    I hope your mom will soon be all well, again,-
    prayer and hug from

  5. Susan, thank God no broken bones! That would not be good at all.
    Blessings to her and to you, my friend! I'm glad you are enjoying the flowers. :-)

  6. Oh Susan - your sweet Mom is so lucky - I am so glad that nothing is broken - not even her spirit! I will certainly pray that this does not keep her down - bless her sweet heart!

    Thanks for posting about my give away - you are a dear to do that for me! Hugs to you~

  7. Susan, thank you for your post yesterday! I'm doing well! :-) And I hope your Mom's bruises are better. They sneak up on you after a fall. I think they're the worst of it for days afterwards.
    Have a nice weekend, dear lady!
    Hugs and love,

  8. Susan honey sorry I have not been on here since our visit on the phone. I have been praying though for both you and your mom.
    Hopefully we can talk again soon.
    Know my friend your in my prayers and thoughts everyday

  9. G'day Susan ~ I know your sadness & heartbreak in losing Sam, it is so terribly hard. Prayers for bo5h you & Mother to heal quickly ...

    Love your pretty card.

    Have a beautiful week ~
    TTFN ~

  10. So sorry to hear about your Mom. Hope she is doing well.


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