I'm Packing Up All My Cares And Woes.....

Hello Dear Friends,

Well thats it....I'm out'a here.....
Gone in a flash....Adios Amigos,
See ya later.....I'm Leaving on
a Jet Plane....La la la

So you ask where am I going??

Well dear friends I'm leaving
tomorrow morning for
Arizona. I will be visiting my
wonderful in-laws for 8 days.
We have been planning this trip
since last summer.

I was holding my breath because
of my Mom when she fell...but
by the grace of God and all
your prayers Mom is doing really
well. Mom will have plenty
of help too. My poor hubby
can't go because of work.

Ahhh to be spoiled rotten is
a wonderful thing....I love
my in-laws so much and they
love me....tis a rare and
wonderful thing indeed!!
sunshine, swimming pool,
ahhhh...a tan..need a tan
too white...lol!!

I'm packed and ready!!

I will be in the Pheonix area.
I have never been there before
so should be fun!!

I will take loads of pictures
of...umm... stuff that I see..lol!

Love to YOU All!

Ciao Bella



  1. I'm so glad you are able to go on your trip! Don't forget your sun screen! see ya when you return, all tanned and gorgeous.

  2. Oh Susan ,makes me happy for you,--you need that,dear-
    I wish you a wonderful tour, dear-
    see you soon again.

  3. Ohh Susan have a wonderful time in Arizona, I bet the weather is gorgeous there right now, a tan...oh to have a tan again.
    hugs Lynn

  4. Enjoy your trip. You will have a special package waiting for you when you return.

  5. Safe travels and enjoy your time making lots of memories.

  6. Susan- if anyone deserves a great vacation- it is you girlfriend! I hope you have a wonderful trip- are pampered and spoiled to death- and totally relax! Will be so anxious to see photos and hear all about your travels when you come back home.

  7. Oh sweet susan!!!I know you are having a wonderful time...sounds delicious:)
    Can't wait to see your photos~~

    Love, Lynn♥

  8. Susan I so enjoyed our visit last night. Glad you had a wonderful trip and now are home safe.
    I love that you and your in-laws get along so well. I always wanted that but never was that lucky. My father-in-law was good to me but not like yours.
    Now I have to find your post with your bracelet on it
    Love ya


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