The Blissfull ATC Swap...Theme "SteamPunk"

 Hello Everyone!!

I am soooo excited to receive not One
but Two ATC's from my dear swap
buddy "Tee" Theresa.
Upon openingthe envelope
I read  Tee's note to me that
she could not make up her mind
which one to send to me so
she sent both!! "Wow" that was
so sweet of you Tee thank you
so very much!!

Tee and I were rather hesitant
in making our first Steampunk ATC's
as we were really not too sure if
our efforts would be up to par.
Well Tee I think you really have
aced both ATC's they are wonderful!!
                                                                                                                    This one is sooooo cool!!!!

I love this one with the mannequin and wings...don't you?
Thank you Tee so much!!
Please go visit Tee at her Blog
I have been putting together a large basket of flowers for my back patio...thought you would
like to see some of these pretty colors. It's such a nice sunny day here!!

Love to All!!


  1. I am very much drawn to "Steampunk" art and like it however I have never attempted to make any yet. Love these and how doubly fortunate for you to receive both.

  2. Susan, everything is so lovely ... your gifts are quite creative.

    Have a beautiful weekend ~
    TTFN ~


  3. Susan Thank you for the very nice comments! It means alot. I am very happy that you liked them.
    I did enjoyed trying out steampunk it was something different and fun! Hugs Tee

  4. These are fun! What I find hardest about steampunk is finding the neat rusted metals to use. Have to go junking!
    Hugs, Diane

  5. These are quite wonderful. Well done Tee! Especially as they are your first effort in steampunk. When do we get to see yours, Susan? maybe you already showed, I have been rather lax in blog hopping lately.

  6. Susan dear, they are great, and yes I too love the one with the mannequin--so wonderful
    Have a lovely week-end dear friend-

  7. Hi Susan! Love the beautiful ATCs Tee gave you! I still have to send mine off, so I'd better get on that before the weekend is over. Time does have a habit of sneaking up and flying right by on me! I'm still not 100% happy with the ATC I made, but steampunk is a style I'm STILL having trouble wrapping my head around. I just hope my swap partner likes it... Nice to see you're enjoying the beautiful outdoors! I hope to at least take the dog out for a nice walk.. The temps are FINALLY on the rise here, and again we New Yorkers are just HOPING Spring is here to STAY this time! Enjoy your weekend! ((hugs)) ~tina

  8. Susan honey I feel like I am the only person in the world who does not know how to do a ATC but I so enjoy looking at all the ones I see out here in blogland..
    These two you received are just too cute and imaginative.
    Sounds like you are having a good time with your swaps.
    I love your flower basket. I so have the fever to plant something but I don't dare try to do it this week.
    Been in bed most of the day and I hate spending my days like this.
    You have been on my mind so much I keep thinking I was suppose to meet you this week.
    Soon when I ever get my back healed we will
    Love ya


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