Playing with Hearts....Instant Sweetness!

Hi Dear Friends,

I am still crocheting little hearts!

I finally visited a yarn shop here
in my hometown this past
Saturday. It is called the Whole
Nine Yarns!! He he cute name huh?

Anyway I was walking around and
saw this lovely shade of pink
cotton crochet yarn.
If you can see it has little
sparkles mixed in the yarn as well.

I made the heart and thought what
a lovely idea to incorporate it into
jewelry! So I whipped out my
silver necklace chaining and
cut it to a length I would like
to wear it,  attached a silver
rhinestone heart to it and in the middle
added a ribbon rose I made eons

Viola'...Instant sweetness!!

Hope you all are staying warm
and safe!!

Warm Hugs,



  1. Hello my dear friend. I got my package yesterday. I was excited to open it around some friends, they were in awe like me. I want to thank you for thinking of me, I have thought of you as well and a little something will be on it's way. The season for all swaps has opened up my creative arts side and it has given me a chance to see what I can do. Take care of yourself and I hope the weather has not been to much of a ordeal for you and your family,,,,,,,,,many hugs and love. MARY

  2. Very nice! You have a good eye for this. Pretty dish too.

  3. hi Susan- what lovely hearts you have been crocheting- this necklas is just darling- :) jane

  4. Cute, Susan! And what fun to have some "busy work" for your fingers, crocheting up little hearts.

  5. Hi Susan, what wonderful hearts you are creating in this month of love... I hope you are feeling better again. It's been hard with the fast and furious weather changes here in Georgia. It was actually in the low 70's two days ago and today it's only in the mid 40's! Hugs, Silke

  6. Oh Susan, yes! I think this is grand! How adorable is it to incorporate our love of crocheted items into wearable wares! great idea!

    and as far as clever names it for blogs or brick and mortar shops...I LOVE them!

    ciao bella!


  7. Susan honey I hope by now you are feeling much better.
    It is snowing here. Can you believe it. Not something we see here very often but more in the last few years than ever.
    Your heart is precious. As always I love coming by here to see what your doing.
    I entered the One World One Heart that is going on right now so if you feel like it come by and put your name in the hat.
    Also there are hundreds of sites doing it. My number is 745. Not to late for you to do it can giveaway one of these hearts.
    My phone charger is not working so when it is safe to try and walk to my car I will charge it there in case you might call

  8. Susan, how very sweet, I love the heart with the bling on it- a lovely idea.

  9. Susan - those little hearts are precious - I bet you have made a hundred of them by now- I know I would! I LOVE that you turned this one into a beautiful necklace - what a great idea - the photo is stunning!

    Stay warm down there - who woul dhave thought that you would be freezing in Georgia!


  10. Thank you so very much for your sweet thoughts and prayers for my son and daughter. I can not say anything except that the Lord will bless you for your compassion toward me. It was so precious to see a familiar face and know I have your prayers. I KNOW the Lord will see us through this time with so many praying. It was a good time to post, don't ya' think? People from around the world couldn't get any better than you,
    p.s. Enjoy the ride on OWOH!

  11. How lovely! :)
    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving such kind comments!

  12. Hey sweet Susan
    So happy you came by for a visit today! I figured u have been trying to get a hold of me.
    Your not going to believe this because I find it hard to believe myself but my durn cell phone is not letting me charge. lol
    Have you ever know someone who has had more trouble with a cell phone than this ole woman.
    I miss talking to you and my kids too. Christi sent me an email asking what was up.
    Anyway Clint looked at it when he was here and he could not figure out if it was the phone or the charge so I will take it in to a Sprint store hopefully on Friday when I go to the pain doctor in Bryan. I swore I was not going back to that store. lol
    Hope your well and staying warm. Girl I thought I would not survive the weather last week and turns out it is back again today. Highs today was maybe 30 around 11 and just keeps going down now. haha
    When I saw those flowers today in an email I thought I should show them since we are all wishing for spring.
    Thanks for the lovely comment about my grandmother. I never knew anyone quite like her. So sweet and kind. You seem to be like her now that I think about it maybe that is why we get along so good. lol
    Hopefuly we can talk soon.
    Stay well and warm
    Gretchen and I have a thing to go to in Austin tomorrow about writing but I don't see how with the temps so low but I have a feeling we will be on the road.
    Love ya


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