My Blissfull ATC Swap for February...Our Theme was "LOVE" .......

Dear Friends,

First let me thank All
of you who had sent get
well wishes for my Mom.
She is not coughing near
as much today so thats
a very good sign!!
I am feeling better too
so thank you again!

This is the ATC that
I made for my swap buddy
for February.

I thought I would iron
the little girl transfer
onto some silk fabric,
which worked out well.
I then made a little quilt
sandwich with some
batting and thin cotton
for the backing.
I  then sewed all the way
around and also added
some ruched pink
ribbon around the border.
I then attached the
little puffy picture bundle
to a pink satin background.
I added a couple of
embellishments too.

I also made a little ATC
Fabric book holder.
I has inside a couple of
pockets for little love
notes and the other side
to hold the ATC!!                                                     

I think it's all so cute!
Nicole my partner likes it as well.
I will share Nicole's ATC
when I receive it.

I hope you all are keeping
warm, safe and healthy!!

All of You are



  1. Wonderful gifts, reminds me of the fabric book you made for me although I admit to liking my own better, since I'm not exactly a pink sort of gal. Good work Susan!

  2. how cute is that! So glad to hear both you and mom are feeling a little better. take safe and warm..;j

  3. Dear Susan,- you made a very sweet gift-I love all the pink and rosy fabric.
    Glad that you and your mom are both much better.

  4. Susan what a beautiful ATC and the ATC book, great idea, the images on both are so sweet. Have a nice weekend and best wishes to you and your mom.

  5. Oh wow!!! Where did you come from? Thank you for reading my very loooooooong post. Hahahah! I had to fess up. My sisters and brothers still do not know. I told them to read the truth. Hah! You are so sweet to patiently read my story and I appreciate your comment. I would love to read your stories about dragonflies.

    I hope your mother is getting better and what a cake your neighbor gave her for her birthday. I agree, cake is a basic food group. It belongs to the class of Happiness!

    Love you ATCs, so dainty.

    Nice meeting you!

  6. Aaaww you are sooo sweeeeeet! I will make a print for you. Remember, the dragonflies are tiny. I will send you a couple of original matted ATC drawings of my acorns. I will post my email address and you can send me your mailing address. I am so glad you said hello. Tsup! (That's a kiss :)) I am delighted to meet you!!!

  7. What a cute ATC.
    I am so happy to hear your Mother is doing better.
    Glad you are better also.
    Have a blessed Sunday and happy creating

  8. I love this... wish I was on the recieving end ..hehehe! happy swapping


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